I Need You

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"Ready to go, Abbie?" Aaron asked me as I finished brushing my hair in the bathroom. I hated my long brown hair since it was always getting knotted. 

"All set! Sorry it took so long my hair is a mess. I honestly wish I had short hair like you." I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Than why don't you cut it? Of course I think your long hair is... Pretty." 

His comment made me blush, although I couldn't tell if he meant it. "It would look awful short."

"I think your hair would look great no matter what." I blushed and looked at the ceiling.

"You gotta crush on me, Nola?"  He laughed and blushed.

"No of course not! I mean you're awesome and all but we're teammates." I nodded and smiled. Trying to hide my disappointment. Seriously what did I expect he doesn't deserve a girl like me and of course he wouldn't like me. 

The pitcher was still glaring at me when we reached the field. Suddenly Aaron grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I knew he was attempting to protect me but I seemed more like I was protecting him. 

"You ok, Aar?" I asked, he really seemed anxious as in he was squeezing my hand so hard that I think it was cutting off my circulation.

"Ab I want you to listen. That pitcher hates you. He doesn't want you here. He's going to throw at you, he throws fast. If that ball hits you in the face you're dead. If it hits you in the head you earn yourself a spot on the dl with a concussion. Anywhere else it'll hurt but you'll be ok. What I'm trying to say is if the ball comes at your body turn your back. Please Abigail the team need s you ok and healthy, I need you." His hazel eyes pierced through me. The pain I saw in his eyes was genuine. No one had ever cared this much about me getting hit than my mom. It was touching yet scary. I knew he was right the pitcher could kill me. Anyone of these at bats can be my last if I'm not careful. Any minute today could be my last on earth. I knew my teammates were gonna try their hardest to protect me but there's only so much you can do.  Speaking of which my team started forming some type of a wall around me attempting to keep me safe. I knew Aaron was right about protecting myself but i had to be smart about it. I couldn't look like a scared little girl and I couldn't be stupid either one was a victory to him. The team was honestly not helping right now. But it was still super sweet. Aaron seemed reluctant to let me leave the dugout to pitch when it was time. Right while I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. 

"If they hurt you I swear I will murder them." His whisper tingled through my body as Aaron released my wrist. I  nodded and walked to the field more nervous than not. Cameron saw my discomfort and talked to me before getting ready to catch. 

"Listen if anything goes wrong we got your back, we won't let anyone hurt you." I nodded and got ready to pitch. The pitching part went pretty well. I struck out two then the last one flew out.  As soon as I entered the dugout I was pulled into a deep, tight hug. I knew it was  Aaron from how desperate and scared he seemed. 

"Woah Aaron you're more nervous than me kid! It's gonna be ok I'm gonna be fine." I said as I tried to escape the hug. He smelled sweet and his body was warm. I couldn't help but enjoy it. The only issue was Aaron was close to suffocating me.. 

"Sorry!" He let go finally and when he looked at me, I saw how shiny his eyes were. I knew he was close to tears. 

"You're fine it's sweet!" Then he started crying, tears started falling down his cheeks. 

"Aaron it's gonna be ok!" I pulled him into a hug as we sat down in the dugout. He began crying harder on my shoulder. 

"What's  wrong with Nola?" Freddy asked as he walked by. Aaron looked up for a second and then just went back to crying. I imagined the media is gonna have a field day with this. 

"He just doesn't want me to get hurt." 

"That's sweet." The whole team was starting to crowd around Aaron and I.


"I'm sorry I'm causing such a problem." Aaron sobbed as he saw everyone swarming around him.

"It's fine baby, it's all gonna be ok." I somehow managed to get the word baby out and everyone just ignored it. It's just something I say to people when they cry. I rubbed his back and hugged him some more. After a long rally that put us ahead 3-0 I had to go back out. Luckily Andres was staying in the dugout to cheer up Aaron. I allowed back to back singles and then the team met On the mound. 

"Here's the deal boys play in we're  gonna go for the out at third maybe even a double play. Ab I want you to try to get them to hit ground balls and strike out one of them." Cameron said and we all nodded. I got the next batter to strike out looking and the last one to ground out to third where Maikel stepped on the bag and threw it to Ceasar who tagged the runner in time. I smiled and pointed to them. As we walked into the dugout I put my arms around them and told them how  thankful I was for that. 

"Abigail!" Aaron ran into me and hugged me tight I looked on the board to see who was up. It was me. 

"Aar I have to bat!" I barely escaped and got on my helmet.

"No!" He tried to grab me but I ran up the steps to the on deck circle. The rest of the team held him back. 

"Aaron, she's gonna be fine! Aren't you, Abigail?" One of them asked.

"Oh yeah!" I replied I felt like I was him mom leaving him at preschool or something the way he was acting. The umpire motioned for me to walk up but before I could go anywhere Aaron came out and grabbed me hugging me tightly before letting me go. I laughed to myself and walked to the plate. I looked in the dugout Aaron was surrounded by the team trying to reassure him. The pitcher snarled and released the ball. At first it looked like it wasn't coming at me but it curved towards my ribs.

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