Tough Adjustments

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It was hard to adjust to not having Aaron as a friend anymore. I didn't realize how much time I used to spend with him. The worst part was it had only been one day and I was barely surviving. The lone good news was that Austin was debuting today. I just wanted to be in New Orleans maybe with Austin, maybe alone.  I decided to walk around the stadium for a bit to get my mind off of Aaron. My mind traveled to other thoughts for a bit and I was lost in thoughts. When I walked into someone.

"Ab? You ok, Ab?" I looked up into Austin's eyes and suddenly mine welled with tears. I blinked several times, my throat began closing up and my mouth got all wet. I can't cry in front of Austin, he doesn't need to see me like this and what happens if he knows that Aaron is the whole reason for this? Suddenly without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. I could feel a tear slide down my cheek and I lifted my head. Austin put a hand on my cheek and he looked into my eyes, kindly, he frowned when he saw how sad I was.

"Why are you crying? Who did this to you?" 

"I'm not crying, I'm fine. You should go, this is probably bad luck for your game."

"No Ab it matters more that I know that you are ok. Here follow me." He said leading me down a hallway that I would've never been able to find on my own. "I've only been at Marlins Park a couple of days but I found this hallway, I like to go somewhere quiet to think before games. I was actually about to head there right now until you bumped into me." We stopped at a little nook and he went  on one side while I went on the other. For a bit we just stood there looking at each other in silence, it was as though Austin was trying to figure me out, like a psychologist. I hadn't forgotten how sad I was and how much I didn't want to pitch that day. Yet again my eyes filled with tears and I struggled to hold back. He tilted his head at me, worried.

"Abigail, it's ok to cry there's no one here except for me and I will never ever judge you."He put his arm around me, surrounding me in his warmth.

"No, no, it's not, I shouldn't be crying over this, it's such a stupid reason."

"Ab what is the reason? It's never stupid  to cry." 

"You'd think it's so silly , though." 

"Ab, I know when you cry it is always over something worth crying about. Please just tell me."

"Fine, I'll tell you," I took a deep breath to prepare myself to speak. "It's about a boy." I looked down, ashamed.

"What boy did this to you, I swear I will beat him up." 

"That would be kind of hard to do..." I began crying a bit again.


"Because your brother is a terrible person." Austin stared at  me, emotionless.


"Hates me."

"Does he know you-" 

"Like him, no. No, he has absolutely no idea." Tears began pouring down my cheeks and I wanted them to stop, I wanted them to stop so bad, but they wouldn't they just wouldn't. Austin wrapped my in his arms and rubbed my back, holding me close and not letting go.

"It'll be fine Ab, I don't care that he's my brother, I am still gonna beat him up."

"Thanks, Austin."

"No problem."

"Wow. You really do have soft hands, they don't lie. Sorry, that was random."

"Why thank you for the compliment Miss." 

"Hey Austin,"


"Even though I'm pitching against you today, I wish you all the luck in the world."

"Thank you, Abigail." He looked at his watch and frowned. "Unfortunately, practice begins in five minutes or so. Ab, if you ever need me just, ask." 

"Austin, can we please stay here for a couple more minutes, we can lie and say we were running together or they'll just not care, but I just want to stay here with you. I want to go to New Orleans with you but I can't so this is the closest I'll get."

"Of course Abster." We did just that, sitting there with my head rested on his shoulder and his arm around my shoulders. It was perfect and I got lost in the perfection of the moment and began to drift off, listening to the rhythm of his breath.

"Abigail it's time for the game..." Cody came running over to us but froze when he saw me in Austin's arms. I turned my head to look at him and he saw my face. "What happened to Abigail?"  I got up and started walking with him to the field. I looked back briefly at Austin and then waved goodbye.

"You ok?"He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine , why would you think something's wrong?" 

"You just looked sad before but you seem fine now." 

"I am fine."

"Also what's happening with you and uh, other Nola?"

"Nothing," I said smiling to myself. We found the team on the field stretching. They all turned to look at us. Cody had  been sent to get me so he didn't have to explain being late but I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Aaron stretching, our eyes met but then we both quickly pulled away.

"I am so sorry I am late, I was out running to clear my mind and  lost track of time, I swear it will never happen again." It was a bit scary how easy it was for me to lie.

"That's fine Abigail, just start stretching now." After practice, just before the game time the coach called us in to discuss the game.

"So you guys know that the Marlins have a player debuting, right? His name's Austin Nola, some of you may know him as Aaron's older brother. Austin plays shortstop and is very talented. Ab, be ready to give him your best." 

"Don't worry coach I will." 

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