You, Me, And The Water

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Aaron and I stepped out of the truck when we reached a park entrance. We began to walk on a wooden boardwalk that ran through this swamp like park. 

"Hey Ab, one question for you?" Aaron asked as we walked for a little longer. 


"What's your opinion on alligators?" The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he asked the question. 

"Aaron Micheal Nola! Are you telling me there's an alligator in this general area?!" 

"No, I'm just saying it's highly likely that we'll encounter one." 

"Wait, so what do we do, if we see one?"

"We just remain calm and walk away slowly and quietly."

"Great. Now I'm prepared for an alligator. Please tell me we're almost there!"

"You're in luck princess, we've reached our destination." It occurred to me  that we had indeed reached our destination since we were standing on the side of a lake like pond. I had to admit that it was gorgeous in this swamp. It was a completely different atmosphere and it was perfect. Aaron showed me how to fish and told me to be patient, which is a shame since I have absolutely no patience. We were just ten minutes in and Aaron already had more fish than me. He had somehow managed to already get a couple of fish and yet I was still fish less. 

"I have an idea." He said after catching his third fish.


" We can take the boat out to the center of the pond, that's where the fish are." 

After a couple of minutes of getting the boat to the center Aaron and I were now sitting in the boat waiting for me to catch a fish. It was only when I suddenly felt a slight tug on the rod .

"Uh, Aaron?"


"Something's tugging on  the rod." A smile creeped on Aaron's face and he laughed.

"What is it Nola?" 

"Seems like you found yourself a fish, Smith." Aaron helped me pull the fish out of he water. He handed me the fish and I took it from him. For some crazy reason I wasn't expecting the fish to move or be so slippery. So when the fish twisted in my hands, I screamed and jumped into Aaron's arms.

"It moved!"

"Of course it did princess!" Aaron laughed as he set me down and picked up the fish. I blushed and laughed awkwardly.

"You definitely owe me Bourbon Street!" 

"I suppose I do." 

Aaron and I were walking back on the boardwalk from our little fishing expedition when I heard rustling in the bushes. My mind flashed back to what Aaron had said about alligators earlier and out of fear I grabbed Aaron's arm. 

"What is it Ab?"

"Aaron, I don't think we're alone,"

"There's gonna be other people here it's not that scary."

"No Aaron I mean I think I heard an alligator." 

"Ab, it's just you, me, and the water."

"Oh really? Then what's that?" I pointed to a log that had appeared to move.

"Thats's an alligator." 

"Aaron, what on earth am I supposed to do? Is it gonna hurt us?"

"No, you just calmly walk away." I squeezed his arm tightly as we cautiously  walked back to the car. 

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