All Star Game

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A/N- This chapter will be written from multiple POVs so I hope y'all enjoy, plz comment what you think! 

Odubel POV

The plane ride to Tampa was filled with laughter. Abbie and I sat next to each other on a plane with the Cubs 7 NL all stars. We honestly didn't talk that much in the clubhouse, part of it is the language barrior and part is just that we just hang out with different groups. This was my first chance to get to know her. We had an amazing time on the plane and for the rest of the day. The parade went awesomely, Abigail wore skinny jeans and a shirt. I wore a shirt that showed off my muscules a bit more. Abigail, being the extremly comfortable girl that she is, wouldnt stop touching my arms and comparing her muscule. It wasn't that weird though because this is Abigail we're talking about and she's basically one of the guys, at least we all treat her like it. It wasn't until that night when the "interesting" stuff started.

"So Ab, what're you doing for dinner tonight?" I asked trying to peel her away from her phone which she was glued to. It was strange, I had never seen her so facinated by it.

"I think my friend's  gonna try and meet me for dinner but you can join probably." 

"I woudn't want to get in the way of things but that would be nice."


"Who is i that you're texting that's so important?" 

"The friend, I'm trying to find out if he's here yet, he was on the plane."

"Who is he?"

"You know him..."

"Is he on the team."


"Just tell me."


"Yeah, he's really good, don't you think? He could've come here if he didn't get hurt." She smiled almost more to herself than to me. 

"Yeah, I agree." 

"You and him are good friends, no?"

"Yes, he's my best friend." That's when she became facinated by the phone yet again. "And...he's in a taxi headed here right now." 

"Are you gonna meet him?"



"Cause he's with my family and my family includes my brother." I laughed, I had never had a sibling but I understood that they aren't the best family members. My parents were also here, all  the way from Venezula. Just then an augusted looking Aaron Nola walked in, he nodded to me than hugged Abigail. 

"So y'all ready to go for dinner?"  Abigail asked us both, smiling more so at Aaron than at me.

"Sure!" Aaron and I both responded. We went to some Italian place and talked about baseball.

"Odubel, what're you gonna do for the break?" Aaron asked, finally including me in the conversation.

"I'm probably gonna show my parents arond Philly. How about you?" For some reason Abigail's face sunk and she looked disappointed about something.

"Well, it's supposed to be a surprise but I guess I could tell y'all now...Abigail and I going to New Orleans." Abigail's face suddenly perked up and a huge smile appeared across her face.

"You're kidding!"


"So you got the tickets and a place to stay?"


"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Aaron this means the world to me!" She nearly squished him and I just sat there smiling awkwardly at them. 

"Anything for you my love...I mean friend!" It was funny I had never seen Aaron this awkward before.

The next day was the big game. Abbie didn't seem nervous at all, she spent most of the day talking to Aaron. It wasn't until the game had started that I noticed something new about Abigail.

"Great inning Ab!" I had congratulated her after striking out the side in her last inning aka the second inning. But Abigail wasn't focusing on that at all. In fact she was staring into the crowds as if she'd just seen an angel. I followed her gaze and realized she was staring at none other than Aaron Nola. Aaron was sitting with what appeared to be Abigail's family. 

"Abigail! Hello earth to Abigail!"

"Isn't he just gorgeous." As soon as the words left her mouth I knew the truth, Abigail liked Aaron. 

Ethan POV

"Ugh, mom why do we have to go to Abigail's game?!" We were leaving the hotel to head to the stadium but I didn't feel like going to her game and not only dieing of boredom but also going to another one of my sister's games and being in the background. 

"Because, Ethan, she has a big game today besides I want to meet this Nola boy she's befriended."

"Yay! I can hardly wait to meet another one of her teammates." I said sarcastically.

"Great because you're siting next to him!" 

"What? Why?"

"He's also the younger sibling and he's actually pretty close in age to you."

"Good for him!'"


"Fine! I'll listen!"

The game started out decently except for the first inning Aaron wasn't with us, we figured he was wih Abigail. I didn't know much about him except that he plays with my sister and he went to LSU. 

"Y'all must be Abigail's family, I'm Aaron Nola, her friend." A brown haired guy probably around Abigail's or my age showed up smiling.

"Yes, we're her parents and this is her brother, Ethan. You'll be sitting next to Ethan." My mom spoke.

"Great nice to meet you!" He sat next to me and I just rolled my eyes, I was always being forced to meet Abigail's teammates. 

"So Abbie tells me you're her younger brother."


"I'm also the younger sibling except for I have an older brother." 


"Yeah and the best part is, I went pro before him."

"Nice!" Aaron I started to bond over our annoying older siblings and before I knew it the game was over. Abigail found us after her stellar all star start. Aaron, Abigail and the other Phillie, Oubel Herrera all went out for a couple drinks then Abigail met us for dinner. 

"It was lovely to meet your friend , Abigail" My mom said as Abigail entered, Abigail blushed and looked at the ground.

"He was glad to meet y'all." We all laughed when she said y'all it was ever since she went to LSU that she completely turned southern. 

"I thought he was quite handsome..." My mom was always trying to get my sister to get a boyfriend.


"I'm just saying! Maybe when you go to New Orleans."

"Shut up!"

"Abigail, sweetie, you love that city and he loves it too, I just thought that maybe you two could I mean for you guys it's practically a city of love."

"He's from Louisiana that's the only reason he's going back. He invited me because he wanted company." For awhile my mom and my sister just glared at each other.

"So how about Abigail's pitching last night?" My dad changed the subject,thankfully.

The next day we said goodbye to Abigail and Aaron. And while they walked into the terminal I saw their hands intertwined.

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