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We all have our fears for some people it's spiders for others it's hieghts, it could be anything. Even the toughest of us all have fears. My fears are planes and swimming in the ocean. I was dreading the plane ride to LA we have scheduled for tonight.  I knew I should tell someone on the team about my hatred of planes. There's so many reasons why I hate it. First of all I get pretty dizzy and queasy. Second of all is my fear that the plane is going to crash. I don't know why I'm so afraid about crashing, it's super unlikely. As for queasy/dizzy it would be super embarrassing if I threw up in front of everyone. But I didn't have a choice about wether or not I'm going. Maybe I'll tell Aaron about it. 

"Hey! Ready to go?" Cameron asked as I pulled my bags out of my room. 

"Yup!" I pretended that I wasn't freaking out.

"Me too. You excited for your first pro road trip?" 

"Yeah I guess. It'll be fun to play the top teams over in the west." 

"Fun? We have to play the Giants, Dodgers and Angels all in two weeks. How is that fun to you?"

"I like challenges." 

"Is that why you play baseball?" 

"That and the fact that I get to hang out with a bunch of hot guys." 

"Wait seriously?!" 

"I'm kidding!" 

"Well anyways do you know who you're gonna sit with?"

"Not yet." 

"Text someone to ask to sit with them." I pulled out my phone and texted Aaron thankfully he responded yes. Although I'm not sure I want to barf on him. "Who'd you text?" 


"Of course you did"

"What? He's my friend I'm allowed to hang out with him." 

"True." As we drove to the airport I texted Angie.

Abigail: I'm sitting next to Aaron on the plane! 😳

Angie: so?

Abigail: I get super nauseous/anxious on planes

Angie: o

Abigail: what should I do?!

Angie: this could be your opportunity to flirt use it to your advantage use him for protection 

Abigail: I'll try thnx

"Who you texting?" Cameron asked as we pulled up.


"What're you texting her about that's so desperate?" 

"Nothing." I blushed as I spoke. 

"It's not nothing. Just tell me. I won't tell anyone." 

"Fine I was texting her about a guy I like." 


"Aaron Nola." I mumbled.

"Knew it."

"Hi guys! Abbie, I believe we're plane partners." Aaron walked up from behind us.

"How long have you been behind us?" If he heard our conversation I'm dead. 

"I only just now caught up to you." 


When we got seated I decided against telling Aaron about my issue. But I was still anxious.

"You ok?"  He asked as the plane started to get ready to move for takeoff.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" 

"You just seem a little off." 

"Oh I'm just excited to face all of the top teams."

"Yeah me too. I like challenges." 

"That's exactly why I like to play top teams!" 

"How do we have so much in common?!" 

"It's creepy." 

"It's cute." Cameron added, I shot him a death glare since he was across the aisle from me.

"Cameron." I said through gritted teeth. "You're not in our conversation!" Aaron laughed and nodded. 

"You tell him Ab! By the way thanks for the lesson yesterday." 

"The pleasure was mine." I smiled at him,  my sweetest most seductivve smile. But he still can't take the hint.

"Dang Aaron, you two did it already?!" Cameron added in again.

"Cameron, if you don't shut your mouth I will shut it for you!"  I yelled as I showed him my fist. He nodded, intimidated. I realized that Aaron was looking at me like I was insane.

"Are you actually gonna punch him?" Aaron asked he looked freaked out.

"Not if he doesn't say a word to us again." 

"Have you ever punched someone?" 

"Nope. I've punched 5 people in my life." Aaron's eyes got huge.

"I've never even purposely hit a batter yet." 

"You're a southern boy, you're just too sweet to hurt someone. Don't let anyone or anything change that. I like how sweet you are." That was by far the most flirty thing I've said in my life.

"Thanks I guess." Aaron seemed a bit confused and he still wasn't getting the hint. Then the plane started taking off.

"Ahh!" I screamed, now I was starting to panic and I grabbed Aaron's hand without even thinking. He tensed up when I grabbed it but then he saw the look of discomfort on my face and he smiled calming down a bit.

"Sorry! " I said after I grabbed it. 

"No it's fine! You gonna tell me why you grabbed my hand?" 

"I  hate planes cause I get nauseous and anxious." I was tensing up more as the plane started to go higher. He began rubbing my hand.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was nervous that you'd think I was a weak girl." 

"I don't, I look up to you. Beside why would it matter?"  

"That's sweet. I don't even know why it matters so much." You don't know the half of it, Nola!

"Well whenever you need to you can just grab me."

"Thanks Nola!" 

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