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Austin definitely liked or maybe loved me, but the question was, did I like or love him? We certainly were having fun together... His hands felt so soothing against my skin as he lightly moved them down my back. When I realized we were getting a bit too into it and needed to stop, I told him that we needed to go. 

"Bye baby."  He said as we separated to get to our games. Before I reappeared at practice I made sure to check that I looked ok as in, not looking like I had just made out with Austin Nola. I could not have what happened with Aaron happen  again.  That was way too close, I was lucky Odubel stepped in. 

"How was your run?" Cody asked once I walked into the locker room. He was clearly clueless so was the rest of the team. 

"Good, I ran 6:30 for 5 miles." 

"I can tell, you're sweaty." I nodded, laughing and blushing, internally. 

"Yeah, sweat is good, means I worked hard." Part of me felt guilty lying to my team but it was the only option I had. My phone buzzed in my red hoodie's pocket. I glimpsed at it and  saw that Austin had texted me. I then took a deep breath and smiled slightly to myself. Austin wanted to get drinks after the game, naturally, I was excited for that. I'd text him back after everyone else was elsewhere

"You ok Ab?" Cody asked, reminding me that he was there standing in front of me. I felt a bit bad that I had just completely gone off daydreaming about Austin. That's when I realized what I was doing, I quickly caught myself. There was supposed to be absolutely no love involved in any of this. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry! Just got a text from someone I haven't seen in a while." 

"Someone special?" I stared at him as though I were still trying to figure the question out like a confusing question on a big test. Yet again I had to regain my senses, I was just out of it today. 

"No, just a friend from college." Another lie, I needed to stop lying, it wasn't like me to lie this much. There has got to be another way to hide my secret but still be telling the truth. Why couldn't I have just said boyfriend or friend with benefits? I guess I am not nearly as brave as I like to let myself believe. 

"Ok, cool. Well, I have to go get ready for the game." Inside of me, I was taking a big sigh of relief but outside I just smiled and went to my locker to text Austin. 

Austin: Hey wanna get drinks after the game;)

Abigail: Depends...

Austin: On what, my lady?

Abigail: On whether or not it would just be us...

Austin: That would depend on what team wins the game

Abigail: Phillies win, we go alone just the two of us 😏

Austin: Marlins win, I go with my team without u 😔

Abigail: Deal?

Austin: Deal

Abigail: Hopefully see u tonight 😊

Austin: Why did u send me a blushing emoji? I could feel my actual face turn pink. I didn't mean to type that, at least I thought.

Abigail: That was a mistake sry

Austin: Oh really? Do u like me or something?

Abigail: Dream on soft hands!

Austin: See ya tonight hopefully! 😘

Abigail: 😘=?!

Austin: ...

Abigail: Whatever, gametime 

 Not ready to wait for a reply, I tossed my phone into my red Phillies bat bag. My mind was now a jumble. Why did I send that emoji? But why did he send me a kiss emoji? Ok, I needed to stop, thinking over emojis meanings from and to guys I sound like an idiot. I needed to focus on baseball. But how am I supposed to do that? 

We won. It was amazing for multiple reasons. First of all, it meant we were one game closer to postseason glory. Second, of all, it meant Austin and I could finish what we started. Third, of all, my boys played with so much amazing heart and game, I could not be prouder. 

"Abigail, you wanna go out with us to celebrate tonight?" Cameron asked me after the game while I packed up my gear. I was beaming from a text from Austin that told me the directions to a place he wanted to go to but no one on either of our teams knew of. 

"Sorry, Cam,  can't I'm busy." 

"With what?" He stepped closer to me and whispered. "Are you meeting a certain shortstop tonight?" 

"Matter of fact, I am." 

'Well have fun with that, please be on time and more awake tomorrow morning." 

"I will don't worry. Please don't tell Aaron." 

"I can't." 

"That's good." 

"No I mean I can not physically." 


"He's going out with that Ginger girl again." He motioned to Ginger who was standing outside waiting for Aaron. Her brown hair blowing back in the breeze which completely contradicted her name. I rolled my eyes as something sunk deep inside of me. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, it would just come back. Like how you can't escape a never-ending nightmare I could not escape my love of Aaron Nola. "Ab, it's fine if you hate her, we all do. She seems like way too much of a cleat chaser." He smiled at his words and laughed lightly. 

"I haven't even spoken to her. But it's always kind of hard to like the girl who's dating the guy you love." I stopped myself realizing that I had never told Cameron that I did indeed love Aaron. My hand immediately went over my mouth as if that could erase the words I just let escape my mouth. 

"I get it. Have fun with Austin tonight, will you? Oh and he loves you too, he told me." I nodded, a bit more confused than I was before. I turned my head to Aaron who didn't look nearly as happy with Ginger as he did when he was with me. Part of me wondered if Cameron was right,but I immediately pushed that thought out. 

Austin had decided that he'd retrieve me from my locker room once everyone left. So sure enough he did. I linked my arm in his and we set outside only to be stopped.

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