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That did not just happen. I bite my tongue to check if I fell asleep and I'm dreaming or something. 

"Seriously?" Aaron said and he stared at Austin in a way that made me uncomfortable. 

"Yeah." We both said. His mom just sat there smiling at us. 

"Prove it." He said matter of factly.

"What?" I asked.

"Prove it, kiss each other." Austin and I both nodded and much to my shock, there was a hint of hesitation in Austin's hands as I grabbed them, to kiss him. When I realized that Austin was clearly not about to make the first move I pulled our heads together quickly yet smoothly. Then our lips collided with each other and Aaron and his parents just stared. Things between Austin and I were starting to get heated and a rush of adrenaline flooded through me when he began to kiss me harder. 

"Um, well, that is very sweet Austin I always knew that you'd find a lovely girl. I had no doubt that you, Abigail would end up with one of my sons. " His mother interrupted us awkwardly and we slid back into reality. I glanced at Aaron to see his reaction, it was pretty safe to say that he had no doubt about us dating anymore. Although Austin and weren't together that was just something that Austin said to one-up his brother. 

"That prove it, Karen Michelle?" Austin said cockily towards his little brother. 

"Karen Michelle, who's that?" I asked a bit confused and I bit sure that Karen Michelle was purely a cruel twist on Aaron Micheal, made up of his brother. 

"Your  teammate," Austin said pointing at Aaron who had now turned red , it was hard to say if it was with fury or embarrassment. Both of their parents rolled their eyes, clearly, they were used to this. These "friendly" brother competitions. I laughed a bit and then a question popped into my head. 

"So... Karen Michelle..." I started and then Austin rolled his eyes. 

"So now you've gotten her started on this too?" Austin and I both nodded.

"So anyway, you gotta girlfriend yet, Nola's baby brother?" I was surprised by my confidence gave how much I didn't want an answer.

"Yes, I do in fact. Remember that girl Ginger well we've actually been dating longer than a couple of days ago unlike you two. Well anyway, Ginger is now officially my girlfriend." I stared at him and I swear I felt my heart crack in half. Austin squeezed my waist, he could feel how weak I had become. Aaron wasn't lying, he had a girlfriend. 

"Well, if y'all will excuse Ab and me, we have to get home quickly to look at an apartment for me. It was so great seeing y'all I'll see y'all as soon as possible." Austin said as he stood up and hugged his parents goodbye. He just nodded at Aaron and grabbed my hand. Yet again, I was thankful for Austin's presence next to me. He rushed me outside of the restaurant swiftly. The second we entered the car I turned to Austin, fury rising up through my body. 

"Why on earth did you lie to your parents about us?!" I asked him furiously, he shrugged.

"Chill! I was saving you, did you see how jealous Aaron was?"

"No, you were saving yourself. Aaron couldn't have cared less about me dating you."

"Ab, he's my brother. I have known him since the day he was born, I think I'd know a bit better than you if he was jealous or upset about a girl. You, on the other hand,  have only known him for a couple of months. You haven't ever seen him jealous or upset about a girl." Austin seemed slightly more upset with me now. 

"And we have only known each other for less than that! Austin, we hooked up two days ago!" 

"I know! I'm not suggesting that we start dating now, at least not yet..."

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