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Austin came up to me and embraced me. His arms surrounded me and I wrapped my arms around him. That's when all the tears came, it had been forever since I cried and I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down. I cried into Austin's chest and he rubbed my back, stroking my hair. I fell asleep like that, with my head resting on his chest and me sitting on his lap. I'd say we slept pretty well given that we had to be woken up by, Aaron? 

"Abigail, Austin, wake up I'm feeling much better." My eyes opened and I saw Aaron sitting up. 

"Aaron!" Austin and I both celebrated Aaron's recovery and when a nurse came in to heck on him she was beaming. It was 8am and I had a flight. Austin told me that they were taking Aaron to the philly hospital and that he'll probably be back in New Orleans by the time I returned but it  was hard to tell. I hugged Aaron and Austin goodbye and left the room. I walked by the waiting room and saw all my teammates as I passed by. I immeadiately went back to see what was going on. I walked in and it was a hilarious sight. A team of big league ball players all in a waiting room near families and such was honestly hilarious and I began to laugh.


"Oh hey Abbie! We decided to stop by and check on Aaron, we heard what happened last night." Cameron spoke, I smiled.

"Last night was bad but he's much better today and they're taking him to philly." 

"Good to hear!" Cameron said then he was looking at something behind me. Little Abigail was running towards me, I laughed and picked her up

"Abigail! How are you my dear?" I asked.

"I'm awesome! Mommy's coming home today! How's Aaron?" 

"Aaron's going back to Philly today!"

"Did you tell him?"

"Of course I did!"

"Thank you! Where are you going today?"

"Well I gotta plane to catch unfortunately."

"But I don't want you to leave!" 

"Maybe you can come to a game sometime!" 

"Can you sign my cap?" She handed me a Phillies cap which I signed adding my phone number so we could stay in touch.

"Alright boys y'all ready to go?" They smiled and got up.

"You said y'all, that's funny!" She laughed.

"Well you think Aaron's cute, that's funny!"

"So Abbie I'm confused are you dating Aaron or setting up dates for him?" Cody teased.

"I guess since Aaron's too young for you, you had to date Austin and set him up with someone more his age!"  They were all teasing and I just laughed.

"Who are these guys?" 

"These guys are my annoying teammates believe it or not." She laughed and said goodbye. Just as we were getting in the bus to the airport where a two hour plane ride awaited us Austin came sprinting to me.


"My family's letting me come with you!" 


"Yeah!" I was secretly relieved to have Austin with me, I felt like I'd be super bored without one of the Nolas. Austin and I talked the entire ride, we talked more about our childhoods and a bit about New Orleans. When we were getting settled on the plane I told Austin about my plane problem. He was fine with it and when we took off he held me close. Whenever I felt nauseous he'd hust rub my back and stroke my hair. After landing I the thanked him for helping. Then we got to the hotel. After Austin and I set our stuff in our room we rushed to the stadium for practice. Practice went uneventful and the game went great, we won  8-2. We all went out to celebrate and had a great time at this club. Everyone got pretty drunk and that's when Austin pulled me to the dance floor. We danced together laughing and having a great time when suddenly he took my waist and kissed me on the lips. At first I gave in but then I realized what I was doing and pushed him back.

"Austin, I'm sorry but I can't."

"No you can come on we're partying, we're drunk and we're having a great time so don't ruin the fun."

"Austin I've never kissed anyone before." He smiled. 

"Well it feels something like this." He took my head in his hands and he leaned forward and our lips met. His were warm and soft, I wrapped my arms around is neck. His hands rested on my waist and brought me against him. For some reason I didn't want it to end. My drunk brain was taking over and I just wanted to have sex with him which was odd. His hair felt soft in my hands. Everything in a kiss I had wanted to do to Aaron I was doing to Austin. The kiss was turning into a make out. My legs wrapped around his torso. Our lips were still connected. We paused breifly for breath then crushed our lips against each other again. Tongues were starting to get involved when someone pulled us apart.

"Cmon guys get a room!"  Cameron teased after he seperated us. 

"Wanna get out?" Austin asked seductively.

"Austin the kiss was amazing but that's my limit for now." The real reason was that I just wanted to wait till I could get Aaron to give up my virginity. It was hard to believe I had my first kiss tonight.

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