Home At Last

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It was prettier than I had rembered, all of it. From the sugar cane fields to the great city of New Orleans... Louisiana was just how I had left it, gorgeous. Aaron drove me from Baton Rouge to New Orleans in his truck on the special plantation route. We had visited LSU and his home as soon as we arrived and then quickly got on the road to home. On occasion he'd stop the car and I'd get out and he'd snap a picture of me in front of one of the beautiful plantations. 

"Beautiful!" He'd say after he took it, I'd laugh and we'd get back in the car. We listned to country as we drove past farm after farm. The embarrassing part came when we passed the bridge to New Orleans and I began to cry.

"Ab, are you crying?" 

"What?No, I'm just happy to be back here." I replied as I turned my head away from him to wipe a tear.

Finally after 1 and a half hours of driving, Aaron stopped the car in front of a house on Royal Street. The house was gorgeous,it was one of those houses  that I had always dreamed of living in. It was red and had a metal balcony on the second floor.  At first I couldn't open my mouth. 

"You like?" Aaron asked while stepping out.

"Aaron, I love it! Thank you so much! This is like a dream come true! I can't think of a better way to spend the break!" It was midnight so we were pretty exhausted. The interior was as gorgeous as the exterior. After helping Aaron with the bags I explored for a bit. Everything was organized and Aaron and I had to share a bed, which never bugged me. We both fell asleep insantly, me planning all the fun we'd have tomorrow. 

"Morning princess." Aaron said, waking me up.

"Morning prince." 

"How you feel about beignets for breakfast?"

"We can't be far from Cafe Du Monde." He laughed and pulled me out of bed. We both got dressed quickly and began  our walk to the cafe. My mind felt so cleared by walking in new Orleans. Store owners rinsed the streets and people were beginning to walk around. The back of Aaron and I's hands were touching. It was more than tempting for me to just grab his hand but I controlled myself, somehow. In Jackson Square we'd stop and listen to various musicians. New Orleans has what I call, a soundtrack to life. There's music everywhere you walk, gorgeous music. 

 It wasn't a long walk to Cafe Du Monde. I basically had the location of Cafe Du Monde implanted in my brain. As soon as we found it with its green and white awnings, I nearly pulled Aaron over as I ran to the building. 

"Aaron! Look, it's gorgegous!" I froze as we stood in line to get in, the smell of beignets hitting me. 

"It's heaven." As soon as a table opened Aaron and I rushed to it. Our main focus was on getting the beignets. When the waiter returned with the french doughnuts, topped with a mountain of confectioners sugar. 

"I haven't had one of these since LSU!" I said, biting into the warm, sweet, beignet. At the exact same time he bit into his beignet. We both looked at each other, mouths stuffed and laughed. I swallowed quickly. Of course then I just started cracking up, causing the powdered sugar to go flying onto Aaron's shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" He stared at me and laughed then he took the powdered sugar shaker and sprinkled it on my head. 

"Ah! Stop!" I yelled, swatting his hands away.

"Hey,now you're even sweeter." 

"You too!" I said, laughing. No one else really seemed to care about what was happening. That's the thing I like about it here, no one cares if you do something weird. 

We finished the last beignet then walked around for awhile. We'd stop in stores then walk by the water. Aaron and I got po'boys for lunch. It was so beautiful there. From all the french style houses to the musicians playing in jackson square. I knew this was where I belonged. We passed the steamboat Natchez where the steam organ, caliope was playing. 

"You know I've always wanted to go on the Natchez but there was never time since I always had a game or something." Aaron smiled at me after I said that.

"Hm, maybe we'll go tomorrow night." 

"Tomorrow night? Why not tonight?"

"Cause I'm taking you fishing and you're gonna play that violin of yours."

"Why do we have to do that?"

"Because I want crawfish jambalaya tonight." 

"I guess we could make that...but on one condition,"


"We head to bourbon street after dinner." 

"Bourbon Street? You know that isn't the kinda thing I like." It was pretty obvious that Bourbon Street wasn't the kinda thing Aaron's into, since it's pretty wild there but it's exact;y what I like.

"And I don't enjoy fishing but I'm going with you."

"And why is that, my lady?" I blushed since the true reason was, I just needed a reason to jump into his arms and fish is just that reason.

"Because I want to go to Bourbon Street! Deal?" I put out my hand.


Aaron was so excited for fishing that I didn't want to complain about how boring it is and how much I hate fish. He was so adorable when he was excited, he was going over the pond he liked to fish at and all these times he'd go fishing with his dad and brother. I just roll my eyes and pretend to be annoyed. It's funny, when you love someone, you're willing to do anything for them, just to see them smile. 

Pitcher (Aaron Nola Phillies)Where stories live. Discover now