Am I jealous?

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Aaron POV

I had  been sleeping all day since I had called Abigail I knew she had a game so she couldn't stay. Austin came back frustrated and told me he had told Abigail that he liked her but she wouldn't listen. I attempted to cheer him up but he seemed more angry at me than her. Austin left and my parents stayed with me talking to me for a bit then they left. My head began to ache like crazy, it felt like someone was stabbing me in the head one million times while spinning the room. My sleep was filled with nightmares and pain. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't, I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I could hear, feel and see people but I couldn't communicate. Abigail walked in the room, I had never seen her so hurt. She had her uniform on and everything. She approached me slowly like I was a wild animal or something. Her eyes were darting all over the place until they rested on me. When she reached me she took my hand and called me baby I liked it when she did that. Suddenly a sharp pain worse than the pain before began in my head I screamed in pain then it stopped and I went back to resting it was like I still couldn't communicate. She began to cry, I had never seen her cry before. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and kiss her but I couldn't. She was begging me not to leave and told me that a little girl needed me. What she said next shocked me. She said that she needed me and she loved me. It was those words the slipped me out of the trance and back to reality. Sure I was still asleep but the pain was going away and the dizziness was coming to an end. Then she brought her lips to mine. Her lips were wet with tears and yet soft. I decided to reply by letting her lips with mine so she wasn't alone. She moved her head back then stared at me. Austin came in he looked just as worried. He said something couldn't hear then he pulled into a hug she cried and I couldn't tell but I swore he was crying. No one had ever loved me like this no one had ever cried for me. Her loving me explained a heck of a lot more. Of course I was the someone else she liked how could I have been so oblivious. My mind drifted off to good dreams and I awoke without pain. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see my brother holding my sister both sound asleep. I smirked and woke them up they were both so happy to see me up. Abigail hugged me  and Austin goodbye and left for her plane. The doctor came in and announced that I would be going to Philadelphia today. Surprisingly the flight went great especially when after it I got a notification that the Phillies had won. I was moved to a hotel room with a good looking girl  in it. At first we were quiet I was pretty tired from the walk then we talked a bit turns out her name is ginger and she's a soccer player who broke her leg. I introduced myself and flirted a bit. At first I was more reluctant because of Abigail but then I got a text from Zach. In it there was a picture of two people making out. It was in a night club so it was hard to tell who it was then I read the caption:    looks like your brother found himself a girl you might recognize her! 😂😂 I looked a bit closer and immeadiately recognized her as Abigail. Austin had his hands wrapped around her waist, she had her hands wrapped around his neck. For some reason I felt kind of frustrated with Abigail I mean I don't like her but if she said she loved me then why's she making out with my brother. But then I realized that I could flirt with ginger seeing that Abigail doesn't seem interested anymore. But I couldn't tell. Deep inside my heart I felt like I should be with Abigail but I wasn't sure. She gave up her first kiss to Austin. Of course in the past there had been moments when I felt completely in love with me like the night she was hurt and the worst nights of my concussion. There were times when her beauty blinded me. Her personality was adorable and sweet. I gradually flirted with ginger and we step up a date for when I healed. But something didn't feel right. Hard to say what my brain was thinking or feeling. 

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