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Abigail POV

I got back to my apartment , tired and  hungry. It had been two weeks since I moved into it. I checked my phone, the date read September 25. September 25, something seemed familiar about that, there was some important thing, maybe it was someone's birthday. If it was, then I won the game for them. 

I threw my bag at the couch and jumped back when someone yelled ow. It was dark in the apartment and I turned on the light, grabbing my bat.

"Who's there?" I was beginning to get a little antsy, we had just finished a game with our rivals, the Nationals and things had gotten pretty heated. 

"Nice arm, Smith, as your friend I would prefer that you set the bat down as your teammate I recommend you start hitting harder. Oh yeah and Happy 22nd Birthday!" Aaron and the rest of the team  stepped out and I gently set the bat down, running into his arms.

"I knew I had something today!"

"You forgot your birthday?!"

"Hey!I have bigger things focus on!"

"What's more important than you?"



I smiled as he led me to the kitchen  where a steaming a plate of jambalaya sat at what I assumed was my spot. Aaron pulled out my chair and smiled like a true gentleman.

"Thank you, Nola. Y'all can join too!" I motioned for them to all get some food and eat. Aaron and I told stories about New Orleans all except the obvious one. I told the story of my first ever tee ball game and how six became my lucky number and Ryan Howard, my favorite player. Ryan just smiled when I said that. 

"Desert time!" Aaron called out once we finished. He brought out a bread pudding-another New Orleans treat-that looked amazing complete with candles. Everyone began to sing Happy Birthday and i just sat there and blushed.

"Make your wish, ace." He said as I stared at the candles. I closed my eyes and thought of a wish. It was hard to think of one since this was all so perfect and a dream come true, when it hit me. The one thingI wanted was to live with Aaron in that cute house on Royal Street. I blew and everyone cheered.

"What'd you wish?" Cameron asked.


After we all ate, Aaron placed a small box in front of me.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see." I gently unwrapped it and pulled it open in it lay a shiny house key. At first I was confused then I  put it together.

"Aaron you didn't have to! I was just being silly and daydreaming that did not mean literally buy me a house in New Orleans!" Everyone gasped and Aaron laughed.

"Well, now you're officially a New Orleans home owner!" 

"Thank you so much Aaron!" I reached over to him and hugged him, suddenly got up. 

"There's just one more thing..." I felt something cold around my neck and turned around to realize that Aaron was standing behind me placing a necklace around my neck. I put my hand on the charm to see what it was, it was a sapphire crescent, New Orleans is the crescent city and sapphire is my birthstone, the jewel of the South." 

"How did you know? Sapphire's my birthstone, I mean obviously because of my birthday but how did you know about my birthday..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"I looked it up." 

"God, Nola, you're a stalker!" Cody teased which caused Aaron to blush so I set my hand against his face.

"I thought it was sweet, no one's ever done that for me." I looked up into his eyes and fell even more in love with him. 

"Play the violin for us, will you, birthday girl?" Everyone cheered and I blushed.

"Fine, but none of y'all can make fun of me."

"Nonsense, ace no one will have anything to make fun of, you play just like you pitch, beautifully and you look like how you play," He hesitated for a moment, blushed and made an odd sound. "beautiful." I blushed and went upstairs for my violin, I could hear the laughter from the boys downstairs, teasing him for complimenting me. I smiled to myself, grabbing the violin and jus holding it for a while, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Oooooooooo, lil Nola's gotta crush." I heard someone who I assumed was Tommy Joesph-the other first baseman-taunted Aaron. 

"Shut up!" Aaron whined adorably.

"Don't you understand  how it works Aar, you call a girl pretty, it means you like her." Zach added, I smiled to myself and finally grabbed the violin and headed down stairs. 

"Listen y'all I do not like Abigail although she is a wonderful, gorgeous and amazing, sometimes a bit sexy woman..."  He stopped when I appeared besides him. 

"Shall we go to the couch, tiger?"

"Sure." He replied and I sat on his lap. I set myself up and began to play. Yet again I got lost in the music, allowing it to transport me back to New Orleans.

Aaron POV

What I had said was true. She was beautiful as she played. I knew my teammates saw it too, in that moment when the room went silent  while she played. No matter how many times I had tried to deny it there was some odd feeling that had begun to take over me whenever I was around her, I couldn't quite place what it was but whatever it was, it drove me insane. 

"Now this is a  song I just made up although I never really make up songs, but I made this one up anyways, I call it, Nola." She paused her playing and I stared at her as she began to play a beautiful, happy, upbeat song that definitely reminded me of New Orleans although the boys all probably thought it was about me. The upbeat music put me in an even better mode then I was currently in. Then she stopped and everyone cheered, me, I crushed her in a hug. 

"Goodnight boys! And you, Nola." She pulled me back into the house and without me expecting it, pulled me into a long kiss.

"Sleep well, Nola." 

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