Back To Reality

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I felt like crying as our plane took off from New Orleans. So many thoughts were swirling in my head. How were we supposed to act around the boys now? We can't just act like nothing major happened when something actually did. 

"It'll fine." Aaron said as we landed, it was as if Aaron could read my thoughts. 

Walking into the clubhouse for the first time since the break felt weird especially since we were late. 

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up. How was NOLA?" Cody teased.

"Good except for the part where we almost got eaten by an alligator." I replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Alligators don't eat humans. Oh yeah,and y'all should've seen Abigail barely escape the venomous fish that almost killed her!" Everyone laughed, except me who punched Aaron.

"Says the boy who was afraid of Bourbon Street."

"I was not! I just said I wasn't comfortable."

"Whatever you say Nola boy."

"But y'all seriously should've heard this girl play the violin, it was like angels singing." I blushed slightly as everyone applauded. I pulled Aaron to our lockers to get changed. 

Being back in Philly was certainly not my top choice . Right then I wanted more than anything to be back on Rue Royal. Aaron tried to cheer me up so that I played the violin again, but failed. For the rest of the week I just focused on baseball and nothing else, Aaron was the same. Thankfully there was never any mentions about Aaron and I's romantic encounters. Although there was still one little drop of romance left between us. Memories from the night on the Natchez kept me pitching my very best. One day  I was talking to Aaron in the clubhouse when my phone started buzzing. No one ever called me they always texted ,e so I was kind of confused especially since the number was unknown. 


"Is this Abigail Smith?" A voice replied.

"Yes, is there a reason you are calling, whoever you are?"

"I work for Sports Illustrated and we'd love to do a cover with you."

"Really? I'd love to." If you're an athlete, one of your biggest goals is to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. I set my phone down and told Aaron the news he smiled and swept me off the hugging me tight. Everyone turned to us and Aaron told them all  the news. We all celebrated after the game and I gotta be honest it felt great to be appreciated like this. 

"All right Ms.Smith just stand right here on the mound like this." Some arrangement person for Sports Illustrated was showing where and how to stand. I was dressed up in my uniform, my hair actually, forcibly brushed.It took me forever to persuade them to let me run right before it so I looked sweaty and dirty. I knew they all wanted me to look my best aka pretty, but I wanted to look like a ballplayer who worked hard. They had fussed for a while about how I was to look which in my opinion wasn't the most important. Although being on the cover of Sports Illustrated was a big deal, it wasn't the most important part to me, the most important part was the interview.I had to sound, smart, strong and yet focused, focused on my game and nothing else. I had to forget about NOLA  and the Nola brothers, I had to forget all of it. For this it was just baseball and nothing else in my life. 

My legs carried me to the mound and I placed my feet just how they wanted them, shoulder length apart. They told me to toss the ball up slightly in my hand. After they snapped a couple of pictures they moved onto the interview.

"So Abigail, how's it feel, being the first female ball player?"

"It feels great like I've always enjoyed playing with boys and the team I'm on makes it so easy to have fun!"

"How do you feel about being in big league baseball finally?"

"This is my entire dream come true. I never imagined I actually get to play for my hometown team."

"So you are top pitcher in the league right now, would you account any of this success to anyone specific?"

"First of all my dad, he always taught me how to play and helped me pitch. Second, my mom, she showed me to never give up and to not be afraid to play with the boys. Third of all my coaches all of them dating back to middle school through now have helped me so much. Oh yeah and my teammates they're always giving me advice and encouraging me."

"About your teammates, you seem to get along really well with all of them, specifically Aaron Nola, why's that?"

"Well they've all helped me so much and they treat me like one of the guys. But Aaron's been especially fun to hang out with since he's from Louisiana and all. But not only that, he and I also pitch similarly and he really is just a great kid."

"So Ab, everyone's  dying to know, is there someone special in your life, like a boyfriend or someone or maybe you have a little something for one of your teammates..."

"Right now I'm pretty much married to baseball. But no there isn't anyone." 

"Well I know you've started to become America's sweetheart, very boy wants to date you."

"Thats nice I think, I think?"

"Abigail, I know how much you hate these questions so I'm just going to ask one more, are you dating Aaron Nola's brother, Austin Nola? Cause there were pictures released earlier this season."

"No that was just nothing we were all just caught up in the happiness of our wins and stuff."

"Ok. How did you spend the break exactly?"

"I went to New Orleans with Aaron Nola. I plan on purchasing a house there." 

"That's amazing. Well the last thing I want to ask is, what is one thing you want to tell the little girls at home, reading or watching this ?"

"I would them, don't be afraid to make boys cry." 

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