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A/N- I found this song and i think it really suits the chapter, this chapter got me pretty upset though, comment what you think.

Abigail POV

I set my key and the necklace away and got ready for bed. I fell asleep quickly, thinking about Aaron.  He really was the right guy for me, at least I thought.

3 Weeks Later

We were in 5 games away from clinching the division, Aaron was going to pitch that day. Just before the game he got a call from Austin.

"Austin says he wants to talk to both of us." 


"He says he has a huge announcement." 


"Abigail, Aaron, you're talking to the Marlins next star shortstop and I play you tomorrow!" Austin said excitedly. 

"Austin that's so amazing! I'm so proud and I can't wait!" 

"Good job, bro!" Aaron said slightly less excited. 

"Well, we gotta game to play, see you tomorrow, soft hands." I called him soft hands since talented shortstops often have, soft hands.

"See you tomorrow, ace and tiger!" 

"That's awesome news, right Aar?" I said to him after the call.

"Yeah, good news." He nodded back, but something  told me that he wasn't entirely telling the truth.

"Why aren't you more excited? This is your brother we're talking about."

"I am it's just that I'm gonna miss being the more accomplished kid." 

"God, Aaron, just share the glory won't you." 

"Why do you care so much, Ab? It's cause he's your boyfriend, eh?" This boy has no idea what he is getting himself into.

"He isn't! That was one night, we were drunk! Why do you even care so much Nola?" I was beginning to get really angry with Aaron and could feel my fist clenching. The team was now surrounding us.

"I don't it's just a little frustrating that of all the people you choose to have your first kiss with, you chose my brother, who just happens to look just like me!"

"Do you like me or something? You know i didn't come here to date my teammates, I came here to play ball, just like everyone else! So forgive me if I got a little happy and a little drunk and kissed your brother, who is in my opinion a far better person than you!" 

"How could  I ever love a girl like you? You are cruel, wild and annoying, I hate you!" I stared at him and could feel my heart drop a million feet inside of me. I nearly fell to the ground my heart heavy and tears welling in my eyes. No! I will not cry over a stupid boy! I am a baseball player I don't cry over boys! I can strike out the best batters in the world, I can get over a little crush! C'mon Ab you're strong I know you are! You can fight this, you can fight him! Just beat him like a high, outside curveball! Aaron Nola is nothing more than a weak boy! I am a New Orleans girl, I will survive this! If New Orleans can survive Katrina than I can survive Aaron Nola! Besides, Austin is cuter and  far kinder! My legs strengthened and I calmly unclenched my fist. 

"Suit yourself Nola! I hate you too!" With that, I stomped into the locker rooms, grabbing my bat and going into the batting cage to hit. Hate filled my eyes just like the tears that had once been there only minutes ago. 

"Aughhhhh!" I yelled as I hit, I couldn't hit, I couldn't focus. I sat down by the side and cried for the first time in a while. 

"Aaron! Why Aaron? I love you soooooo much! Why did you have to be so cute, so perfect? Why did you have to walk into my life? I just wanted to play baseball, not fall in love with you! I love you, I need you, I've never loved another person so much in my life! Why do you treat me like baseball treats me, you beat me up so much but no matter what I love you. You tear me to shreds but I love you to shreds. Please Aaron stop messing with my head! I am a pitcher, you can't distract me! You shouldn't distract me!" For a while I just sat there clinging my bat, letting the tears roll down my cheeks. It all seemed so silly, crying over a  boy when I had so much more worth crying about, maybe it was just because I hadn't cried in a while or it because i had never had the chance to cry even when I was younger  or it was just because i really loved Aaron and I couldn't imagine living without him. Maybe we were meant to be or maybe that's just what I let myself believe. But for what it's worth, it felt good to cry, it felt good to remember I was actually a girl and I was human, I actually do have feelings. I moved my hand slightly and hit myself hard in the head with my bat, ruining the moment, reminding me where I was and who I was. I could not have the luxury of crying like other girls do, I never could. That's one of few draw backs to being a girl on a boys team that's one of few drawbacks to being a girl who often acts like a boy. Common sense began to kick in harder, I could not cry, I am a baseball player and baseball players don't cry over stupid things like boys. I pulled myself up and got ready to set up the tee and hit again. That is what I'm supposed to do, but how can I, I was trained to, engineered to. That was how I was taught, I could never act or be like the girls my age, I could only focus on baseball. While they were out there crying over boys and complaining over periods, I was hitting or pitching or fielding or doing god knows what, something baseball related. 

"Ahhhhhhh!" I said a bit more relieved from a good hit that had a nice sound. 

"C'mon girl, hit like a girl,throw like a girl, be a girl, but NEVER cry like a girl, or fall in love like a girl ." I said to myself, secretly thankful none of my teammates were around me for once. I glanced at my watch and sighed, my moment was over. That would be my last time to be an actual girl, for a while. But now i had to get back to baseball player me. I had to be professional, even around Aaron. This was a challenge harder than any game but also harder than I could ever imagine, this was no game, this was love. And love is a battlefield.

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