1 ~ Riley and Scott

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It was the night of the full moon. A beautiful sight, the full moon. Mom was working the late shift again, so like most nights, it was just Scott and me in the house. He was in his bedroom, while I was in mine, sat at my window, staring at the big, gaping, white hole in the sky. Something about a full moon always gave me the chills, only, the goosebumps you get when something is amazing or beautiful. I got goosebumps every time I looked at Lydia Martin, not just from her beauty, but I was always too scared to talk to her. I was getting ready for bed, I was pretty sure Scott was too, or maybe getting his lacrosse things ready. Either way, I was getting an early night for school the next day.

I got my bag ready for school the next day and hoped I would get a full nights sleep. I made my way over to my dresser to pull out my sleepwear but stopped in my tracks as I heard a creaking sound coming from the roof. I walked out into the hallway to meet with Scott, he had a baseball bat in hand and put his forefinger up for me to stay in the house.

"Are you crazy!" I yelled in a hushed tone. He shrugged before going back into his bedroom and collecting something. He came back with his lacrosse stick. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Your lacrosse stick?"

"It's better than nothing," he deadpanned with a shrug. I nodded and grabbed onto his arm as he led me out of the house. We crept onto the porch where we heard another creak. We slowly and quietly walked over towards the fencing of the porch where something flew down. I didn't stop to find out what it was so I shut my eyes really tight and repeatedly hit it with the lacrosse stick in hand.

"Ow! O- Ril- Ow! Currently hi- Ow! Hitting you're ow, best friend here!" I opened my eyes to see my best friend, Stiles hanging upside down from the roof. I let out a sigh of relief and looked over to my twin brother, who was holding his bat high.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Scott yelled at the still dangling best friend of ours. Stiles gave a defending look.

"Wh- You weren't answering your phone!" he defended himself. I rolled my eyes and threw him a smirk.

"I choose to ignore your calls," I told him, he scrunched up his face and tried to roll his eyes.

"That's beside the point," he scoffed. "Why do you have a bat and lacrosse stick?"

"We thought you were a predator," Scott sighed out relief. Stiles, once again, scrunched up his face and glanced between us.

"A pre- I wha-" he stumbled over his words. "Look I know it's late, but you gotta hear this!"

"Here we go again," I mutter under my breath. Scott and Stiles either mustn't have heard me or ignored me, it's not often they ignored me but it looked like they did. I didn't pay much attention to it and brushed it off.

"I saw my Dad leave twenty minutes ago, Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department and even the State police," he elaborated, putting emphasis on police.

"For what?" I asked him. He smirked and rose both of his eyebrows.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods," he nodded before finally jumping down from the roof. I was surprised he didn't faint from all the blood rushing to his head. He rushed over to Scott and me who were still stood on the porch.

"A dead body?" Scott exasperated. Stiles and I looked over at each other and chuckled between us.

"No, a body of water. Yes, dumb-ass a dead body!" Stiles perked up with his sarcasm again. Stiles and I speak fluent sarcasm. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't met Stiles, I would be a boring teenager who never snuck out to do things like look for a dead body in the middle of the night and has no sense of humor.

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