22 ~ Unwanted Memories

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"Are you sure you're going to do this?" Allison questioned as we found Jackson. We decided we would follow him and ask him a few questions. 

"Look, Jackson said himself that he didn't want a restraining order against me, it was all his stuck up dick of a Dad who practically forced him to." I nodded confidently. What I was saying was true. We were leaning against some lockers in the hallway when I found Jackson. "Target acquired."

We followed Jackson until we another hallway. Allison received a message from Gerard saying he had to see her in his office. I was pretty disappointed that I had to do it alone because to be honest, I was kind of scared he'd flip out and didn't want me there. "I'm so sorry but if I don't go, everyone will start raising questions and-"

"And it will jeopardise your relationship with Scott, I get it. Go." I smiled politely, covering the annoyance inside me. She nodded and left. I continued to follow Jackson and I arrived at the locker rooms. He could hear my heels so he looked over his shoulder to see who was following him. I had just enough time to hide around the corner. I decided it would be the best idea to take off my heels so I wouldn't attract much more attention to myself. Jackson entered the locker room and I followed shortly after. As I reached for the door handle, the door shot open, making me flinch in fear. It wasn't Jackson. Just a random guy I'd remembered to be Matt.

"You scared the hell out of me!" He laughed awkwardly, re-positioning his backpack on his shoulder. 

"Sorry, I wa - I was just, um, I was - nothing." I stuttered before deciding not to even bother coming up with a lie. "Uh - it's Matt, right?"

"Yeah! Y-You r-remembered my n-name?" He stuttered stiffly. I nodded instead of saying anything because, as sweet as he seems, he makes my feel uncomfortable, like something isn't right about him. He looked down to my shoes in my hands before replying. "Ah, that's a - nice heels." 

"Oh! Yeah, uh, my feet were hurting, so I -" I stopped myself before I embarrassed myself anymore. Why was I even talking to him? I needed to get out of the situation before I made things any worse for myself. I slipped them back on like nothing ever happened.

"Same reason I never wear mine." He tried to joke. It was such a bad joke, I decided to pretend I didn't know what he meant.


"Uh, forget it." He mumbled before perking up. "Hey, did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big name spinning." 

"Oh, you mean like a rave?" I asked, getting excited for a party. It wasn't often I was invited to a big party like Lydia's, even though we have gotten closer and her birthday was coming up, a rave sounded cool.

"Oh, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?" He offered. 

I got too carried away with myself, I didn't register it all properly before replying. "Yeah." Then I realised he was asking me out on a date. Well, shit. "Yeah, great."

"Yeah? All right, cool. Um, it's Friday, so - Looking forward to it." He said, before walking away, around the corner.

"Yeah." No.

I heard Jackson coughing in the locker room so I decided to check to see if he was okay. "Jackson?" I called into the room, with my lip curled up in disgust at the smell of the room.

"In here." He called back, coming from the showers. I carried on walking until I saw a very naked Jackson. I immediately turned around and he spoke up. I could just imagine the smug look on his face. "Is something wrong?"

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