11 ~ Cousin Miguel

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Riley's POV:

"Bad idea, bad idea, again, still a bad idea!" I yelled in the back of Derek's car. We were in a car chase. By we, I mean me, my foolish twin brother who recently wolfed out for no reason, and my boyfriend who I was still waiting to ask me to the formal.

I didn't even have a dress. Or a ride. Or a ticket. Or even a date at that matter. I was obviously going to be going with Stiles, because if he wasn't going to ask me, then I'm asking him. He is going to the formal with me if he likes it or not. Wow, I sound controlling. Why am I even thinking about this? Derek is running from the Police and we are being chased by Kate, who thinks we are Derek.

Stiles was in the front, and Scott was driving, which obviously just left me in the back seat. Again. "Faster?" Scott asked. No, not faster. We are going to die in this amazing car which I wanted!

"Much faster." Stiles urged, hitting the dashboard in front of him. How dare my baby hit my other baby.

Scott then pushed his foot, on the pedal, further into the floor, causing my head to slam on the back of the seats. "Son of a bitch!" I cursed loud and for all the hear. I'm pretty sure a deaf man could've heard it. "If you break my Camaro then I'm going to kill you!"

"Your Camaro?" Scott laughed.

"I'm obviously going to get it from Derek, even if I have to kill him, this car is beautiful. I'm pretty sure I should be the one driving." I replied, bluntly.

"Okay, whatever, but Scott, I do t think you're grasping the concept of a car chase." Stiles yelled, over the loud revving of the engines, Derek's and Kate's.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us!" Scott shouted. I put my head through the seats.

"If you don't go faster." I started quietly, before yelling. "They'll kill us!"

Scott took another turn, which caused Stiles to look back and see if they were still on our tail. "They're gone." That easily? He pressed a button on a Police receiver.

"All units, suspect is on foot, heading into the Iron Works." Stiles' Dad said through the receiver. If he knew what we were up to, saving a state fugitive, then we would be in more trouble than when we found the body. I was so close to being grounded.

We sped into the Iron Works, spotting Derek, so Stiles opened his door, telling him to get in. Stiles practically dove into the back next to me.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?!" Scott scolded Derek. I don't know why because it's not like we have control over the all almighty Derek Hale.

"Damn it! I had him!" Derek yelled, hitting his dashboard. Leave the Camaro alone!

"Who the Alpha?" Stiles and I said at the same time, poking our heads through the gap of the seats.

"Yes! He was right in front of me and the freaking Police showed up!"

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs." Stiles defended his Dad. Now was not a great time.

"Yeah, thanks to these two, who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek spat, aiming it at Scott and I.

"I thought we were past that! Can you not get past that?" I complained.

"We made a massive mistake, we get it!" Scott confessed.

"We?" I questioned. "I never agreed to throwing Derek under the bus, you were the one who told Allison, Lydia and Jackson it was Derek. Like, let's be fair, they're all going to find out about werewolves at some point. Why didn't we make it then and say there was a mass murderer werewolf Alpha on our asses and for all we knew Derek here was dead?"

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