23 ~ Catwoman

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As Erica is typing away at her computer, I noticed Jackson creep back in the room, followed by Mr Harris. Jackson sat back down at the table with Matt and Allison, followed by a deep sigh of relief. I knew something had happened, but I just couldn't put my finger on what. We knew he was the Kanima, so I was almost certain it was something to do with that.

"Look at the dates." Stiles said, interjecting me from my thoughts. I look up and read the report.

"Passengers arrive at the hospital D.O.A, estimate time of death 9:26pm, June 14th 1995." Erica read aloud, but hushed so Jackson couldn't hear.

"Jackson's birthday is June 15th." I pointed out. Erica looked at Stiles for confirmation and he looked to me before back to her and nodded. Harris all of his belongings and zipped his bag up, leaving the zips in the middle, which was a huge pet peeve of mine. I sighed and finally put my bag over my shoulder, standing up. Everyone else was just as glad as I was that detention was over and stood up too.

He walked over to some book trolleys and laughed sickly so everyone could hear. "Oh, no I'm sorry." He chuckled like it was the funniest thing in the world we stood up. "Uh - yes, I'm leaving, but none of you are." He stated more serious. I just glared at him and sighed, sitting back down after Stiles. "You may go when you are done with the re-shelving." He patted on the book trolleys. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." With that, he dismissed himself and walked away. 


"It means he was born after his Mom died, by C-Section." Stiles explained to Scott and Allison who were not nearby when the conversation of the whole incident took place. "They had to pull him out of her dead body."

"So was it an accident or not?" Allison whispered, turning to the bookshelf. 

I shrugged and replied. "The word all over the report is inconclusive."

"Wait, so his parent's could've been murdered?" Scott interjects, leaning on the book trolley. I nodded and Stiles did too.

"Well if they were, then it falls inline with the Kanima myth." Stiles spoke up. "You know, seeks out and kills murders."

"But for Jackson or the person controlling him?" Allison asked in a hushed tone. Stiles and I both shrugged in response and all four of us stayed silent for a few moments.

"We've got to go talk to him." Scott rushed out. "We've got to tell him."

"He not going to listen!" I called back to him, but it was too late. He'd already left the aisle before I was halfway through my sentence. I followed him and he stopped in his tracks. There was a book lying open on the floor. We slowly approached the book and when we reach it, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matt lying face down on the floor. I looked at the back of his neck and for sure, there was a red line from where Jackson trailed his claw along. 

I elbow Scott and we both bend down to take a closer look. Kanima-form-Jackson jumped over the bookshelf aisle, breaking the roof and the light above us. I covered my head and Scott tried to shield me from the falling pieces of the roof too. I looked up and saw Scott's werewolf face, minus the horrific sideburns. "Erica!" He yelled. I looked over to her and she was just the same as Scott, yellow eyes and fangs pointing out of her gums. I felt for my fangs and I hadn't shifted which I furrowed my brows at. 

There were sparks coming from each light that he broke and I just stood there in confusion.  I turned around and saw half-kanima-half-Jackson stood behind me. Scales were all over his face and he growled/hissed at me, showing his teeth. He pushed Scott and I backwards, throwing us into a book trolley.  I looked into the aisle to my right and saw Stiles and Allison, crouched onto the floor. Scott and I crouched down next to them and Stiles whispered 'Are you okay?' to me. I just nodded and looked around.  

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