2 ~ Friday Night's Full Moon

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"Scott! Scott, wait up!" Stiles shrieked as Scott was getting ready to play lacrosse. Scott carried on walking and he stopped when I practically dove onto his back.

"Guys, I'm playing the first elimination. Can it wait?" Scott asked, looking really bugged. I shook my head from side to side before taking a deep breath from running.

"No, dude, you're gonna want to hear this," I panted before looking over to Stiles and he started freaking out, explaining what happened.

"I overheard my Dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" He patted onto Scott's chest, but he shook his head before collecting his lacrosse things and marching, confidently onto the field. "Stiles, I gotta go."

"Wait, no Scott! You're not going to believe what the animal was!" He tried to grab him to pull him back but he was already on the field. "It was a wolf."

"We'll just have to tell him after the game, okay?" I assure Stiles, he was pretty bummed that he didn't get to tell him. Coach blew the whistle and gathered in the team. Scott caught eyes with Allison and waved a little. Coach started giving out pep talks, which were never good, before shouting,

"Now, get out there and show me what you got!"

Scott started running around the field with the ball, but Jackson knocked him over. I was most certain it was on purpose. They had to a re-shot thing and Scott quickly scooped up the ball and ran to the goal at the sound of the whistle. He kept dodging all the interceptors on the field before throwing the ball at the goalie and going straight into the net. He scored! Everyone cheered and the team went into a celebratory huddle.

"McCall! Get over here!" Finstock yelled. I was hoping it was good, not bad. "What in God's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the Gymnastics team?"

I really wished he would just accept Scott doesn't totally suck at lacrosse anymore like he used to. Scott shook his head from side to side, "No, Coach."

"What the hell was that?" I yelled again, pointing in his face.

"I-I don't know," Scott stuttered. "I was just trying to make the shot."

He was right, and that's all that matter, right? He wasn't breaking the rules and he made the shot. Coach was nodding his head, but it seemed to be in disapproval. "Yeah, well you made the shot. And guess what? You're starting buddy! You made first line!"

Stiles and I looked at each other and took a seat on the bench. Coach never notices, but I sit there like all the time. We didn't really know what hit us. He made first line, but I knew Stiles would be bummed because he won't have anyone to sit on the bench with, except me, so.


Stiles had invited Scott and me over to his house, we knew Mister Stilinski wouldn't be in, so we pretty much just made our way up to his room and knocked on the door. It took a few moments before it opened and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was us, "Get in. You gotta see this thing! I've been up all night, reading websites, books. All this information."

"How much Adderall have you had today?" I asked him, as he was getting excited and hyper. He turned to face Scott and me in his office chair.

"A lot doesn't matter," he nodded. I chuckled to myself as he frantically flicked through printed off pages. "Okay, just listen."

"Oh is it about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott asked, throwing his school bag on Stiles' bed and took a seat, I did the same. I usually sat on Stiles' bed a lot, but this one time, it made me feel uncomfortable. I still don't know how to describe what I was feeling.

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