5 ~ 'Hanging Out'

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Riley's POV:

I was sat in my room, on Skype to Allison and Lydia. Lydia was at Allison's, helping her pick out an outfit. I grabbed all the cute clothes for 'hanging out' and showed them to Lydia.

"I think the middle one, only with the first ones shoes," she nodded. She then turned to Allison closet. "Pass, pass, pass on all of it. Allison, your taste is tumbling by the second. Hmm, this." She pulled out a black shirt with black sequins on the torso.

Allison's dad then came through the door and had an apologetic look on his face.


"Right, sorry, I'm completely forgot to knock," he apologised.

"Hey Mr Argent," Lydia said, smiling before falling sideways into Allisons bed.

"Dad, uh, do you need something?" Allison asked.

"I wanted to tell you, you're staying in tonight."

"What? I'm going out with my friends," Allison seemed pretty bummed out.

"Not when there's an animal attack people," he shook his head, putting on a coat.

"Dad -"

"Hey, it's not on my hands there's a police curfew. No ones allowed out past 9:30pm," he nodded. "Hey, no more arguing."

Allison sharply exhaled. Lydia hummed and turned to her. "Someone's a daddy's girl."

"Sometimes, but not tonight," She shook her head. "We'll meet you at bowling, Ri."

"Okay see you there," I ended the video call and turned to my bed where the outfit was laying.


Stiles came to pick me up and we made our way down to the bowling alley. We were silent on the ride there, it was a little awkward.

I didn't really care though, I was too busy worrying about failing in front of Jackson and Lydia. Allison, I don't mind failing in front of, I know she will never judge me unless it's something to do with morals.

"Hey, you seem nervous, are you okay?" He asked me. I looked to my best friend and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not - I don't feel -" I let out a sigh and shook my head. "I'm nervous that I'm going to fail in front of Lydia and Jackson."

"Don't worry about it, it's like a group date thing, they'll be keeping themselves to themselves tonight," he reassured me.

"Yeah, but we're not on a date," I shook my head.

"I know that, but the others are, and Lydia even said at lunch yesterday it didn't matter," he shrugged.

"I'm still nervous. I think if I warm up a bit and get the right rhythm going then I should be fine, but it's just the first few bowls I might not be great," I admitted. He paused a moment in thought.

"Tell you what, I'll help you on the first few bowls until you feel comfortable and confident enough to go on your own, okay?" He offered. I smiled at his offer.

"Stiles, that's really sweet," I looked to my shoes and messed with my thumbs. He was making me all warm inside, but I liked it.

"Don't mention it," he shook his head, smiling back. We pulled up at the bowling alley and he rushed over to my door. He opened it and bowed, messing around. He put his arm out for me to link up to him so I followed his lead. As we entered Scott gave us a weird look but I guess he shook it off.

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