26 ~ 'Homework'

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"Stiles, how much longer is this going to take? I want to get ready for Lydia's party." I whined as Stiles flicked through the pages of a yearbook, trying to work out the person controlling the Kanima. 

"It'll take as long as it takes so sit tight." Stiles replied bluntly. "Grab my laptop and watch a movie or something." I sighed and I grabbed his laptop, typing in the password I knew off by heart; namowtacdnanamtab I told him batmanandcatwoman wasn't a very secure password so he changed it so it was backwards. I decided I'd watch a few episodes of Supernatural because I needed a little bit of what Stiles and I came up with 'Daddy Dean and Spank Me Sam'. 

Halfway through an episode, Mr Stilinski walked past Stiles' door. "Hey, whatcha doing?"

Naturally Stiles replied, "Homework." and I replied, "Supernatural." At the same time. Sheriff nodded and carried on walking before the realisation hit him.

"It's spring break." He entered the room to see what his son was actually doing. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Oh, I'm just satisfying my own curiosity." Stiles nodded his head back and forth. I put down the laptop and walked closer to his desk. 

"We brought Harris in this morning for questioning. They brought him in." Sheriff told us both.

"And?" I asked him to continue.

"And they're working on a warrant to arrest him for the murders."

"For all of them?" Stiles questioned his Dad.

"Enough of them." He sighed, trying not to get us into it, but I wanted to know more. They can't arrest Harris. At least not yet.

"With what proof?" I raked my fingers through my slightly tangled hair before placing them on Stiles' shoulders to lean on.

"You remember the couple at the trailer?" He asked. Stiles and I nodded. "Tire tracks nearby match Harris's car." 

"W - that's not enough." Stiles stressed. I knew he was as unconvinced it was Harris without 100% proof.

"The same car was also seen outside the hospital where the pregnant wife was killed. It's got some bumper sticker on it, a quote from Einstein."

"Wait, what quote?" I asked him.

"Something about imagination and knowledge." He shrugged, squinting his eyes. He tended to do that a lot when he was concentration.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge, yeah. I saw the same car parked outside the rave." I nodded, saying it slowly as I was recollecting memories of last night. The Wolfsbane made my memories blurred a bit.

"That means you're a witness. You're gonna have to give a statement." He nodded, trying to get as much evidence as possible. I sighed, not wanting to go. I loved the station and all, but I nearly died last night and I had Lydia's party to go to later, which I still needed to get ready for.

"But, what about the concert promoter, Kara? She wasn't in Harris's class, right? I mean, what does Mr. Lahey have to do with Harris?" Stiles shook his head because it wasn't adding up. The only thing we knew they had in common which the Police didn't was there are two murderers and one of them is a crazy lizard / Jackson. 

"It doesn't matter. The tire tracks put Harris at the site of three murders. That's damning evidence." Sheriff tried to convince us. 

"No, it's not enough." Stiles groaned, opening the yearbook back open since his Dad had just closed it.

"I - I thought you hated this guy." He tried to make sense to why we were trying to protect him.

"We don't hate him, all right? He hates us." Stiles deadpanned at the truth. He did actually like me before Scott and Stiles ruined my grades with all this werewolf nonsense and then a crazy ass werewolf bit me, making me a werewolf too. 

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