24 ~ The Flannel

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I was most definitely not telling Scott and Stiles about what I just found out. They are close to me, what if they die? I had called Stiles and told him that it was nothing to worry about, just my paranoia and asked him to pick me up. Sure enough, he came as quick as he could. I stood waiting for him and I felt a cold shrill run down my back. I shrieked and looked up, it was the drains water dripping on me. 

All of a sudden, it just started throwing it down. I could barely open my eyes because the rain was coming right for my face. I heard a car pull up and someone get out. I heard footsteps running towards me. I could make out the footsteps belonged to Stiles because I could identify his red flannel anywhere. He slid it off and put it over my head to shield me from the rain, even though it was no use because I was already drip wet through. 

We ran to the Jeep and I put the wet plaid flannel around my shoulders to keep me warm. "Thanks, Stiles." He didn't say anything, he was just scanning my face with his beautiful hazel irises. 

"I miss this. You know, us being best friends again." He spoke up. I didn't know if I still had feelings for Stiles, but I couldn't disagree. "I mean, we were both so caught up in the relationship, we had no idea if we were to split up then we would ruin our 12, nearly 13 years of friendship."

"I miss it too." I smiled, patting his hand. I reached forward and turned the dial on his Jeep to turn on the heating. "After all this Kanima shit is over, what do you say to a Star Wars marathon?" 

"Disagree Yoda cannot." He replied with the worst Yoda impression and I stifled a laugh. "Yeah, I still need work on that." He laughed along with me before he took me back to his house with a stop off at the take out. His Dad was doing some work and Scott was out somewhere so Stiles insisted I came along with him.

We entered Mr Stilinski's office and Stiles placed everyone's food in front of them. I had asked for a salad because I hadn't really been eating fatty foods for a while and whenever I did, they made me want to puke. Mr Stilinski had a burger and bit into it before scrunching up his nose. I opened my food to see a greasy burger. "Stiles, what the hell is this?" His Dad asked him with a mouthful of burger muffling his words.

"Veggie burger." Stiles replied simply.

"I asked for a hamburger." He interjected. I poked around at my burger and saw pretty much every filling there could be inside a bun. I scrunched my nose and curled my lip at it, but didn't say anything.

"Veggie is healthier." Stiles nodded, picking up his drink and taking a sip. "We're being healthy." He states, holding up a salad which I started to get excited, thinking it was mine, but Stiles just dug into it. I rolled my eyes at him and sent him a glare, hoping he would see it. 

Mr Stilinski open another box which should've had fries in it, but instead, there were celery and carrot sticks in its place. "Aw, why you trying to ruin my life?"

"I'm trying to extend your life." 

"And you're trying to shorten mine?" I asked, poking at the grease ball which should be called 'burger'.

"You haven't eaten properly in weeks, Kayden, and don't think I haven't noticed. If you don't start putting calories into your system, you will slowly wear away and that would mean I have no one to watch Star Wars with because Scott most definitely won't." He replied and that shut me up completely. "Okay, can you just eat it please. Both of you. And tell me what you've found." He said, turning to his Dad.

"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with two teenagers." He shook his head with furrowed brows. Like that's ever stopped you before. My eyes drifted behind him and I saw arrows point to pictures.

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