12 ~ Shooting Pain

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Riley's POV:

"Jackson, where exactly are we going and you should probably slow down." I grabbed onto the sides of the passengers seat on Jackson's Porsche. I saw him outside of his house and he looked a mess. He said he was going for a drive to clear his head and I was welcome to join, so I did. Big mistake.

He didn't say anything, he just started driving his car in circles in an empty parking lot. I wished Stiles would arrive in that little blue Jeep of his, because we, are going to die here today.

He was going over 80 mph... Around corners. We were actually going to die. The tires started screeching against the floor and the car came to a stop. Okay, knowing my luck, the car was going to blow up. It was making beeping sounds and Jackson sighed, getting out the car, slamming the door behind him. I soon followed him.

"Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on in your head?" I yelled. "You could've killed us!"

"I was barely going fast." He defended himself.

"Barely going fast! You were driving recklessly at over 80 mph... Around corners!" I shook my head.

"There's a lot going on okay, a lot you don't know about. About Scott." He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm his twin sister, I obviously know." I chuckled.

"I beg to differ." He scoffed. If only he knew. If only he knew he wasn't a know it all that he thinks he is.

"I know he's a werewolf, jerk-off." I shook my head. He looked at me then looked down to his feet. A familiar red car pulled up by us. Chris' car. Great. Wonder what he wants.

"Car trouble?" He asked, smiling like he had a devilish plan in mind. A diabolical plan. The smile Klaus Mikaelson makes when has a diabolical plan in mind. The smile Damon Salvatore made in Season 1 when he didn't have any humanity. I didn't trust him. At all. He knew something. Something I didn't and I was itching to find out.

"Uh - it's okay, I'm just going to call a tow truck." Jackson tried to dodge his help. I could see Jackson trusted him as much as I did. Not a lot.

"Oh, I know a few things about cars, it could be something simple." Chris nodded, smiling softly.

"I don't know, I mean it's a pretty expensive car and they pull all this warranty crap if you do your own repairs, right?" Jackson asked him, trying to get him to leave.

"Well - I won't tell if you won't. It's Jackson and Riley, right? Come here. I'll show you what to look for." Chris nodded. Jackson bent down and looked into all this car stuff which I was not great at so just hovered around the car. Chris pulled back Jackson's collar to reveal the scratch. "Oh, sorry."

"What?" Jackson panicked, grabbing the back of his neck.

"Your neck. You hurt yourself?" Chris asked. This is bad. This is really bad.

"No. I mean, it's just - just a scratch." Jackson stuttered. Please. I don't know if you exist. But.

"Well, it looks like more than a scratch. Kinda looks like claw marks. You all right?" Castiel, please, please come and save me. Get Stiles to save me. What the heck, bring Sam and Dean too.

"Yeah, look, I'm just gonna call for a tow truck, okay?" Jackson said shakily. Please, Cas, send me a Stiles in a blue Jeep with his best friend Scott. That would be great right now.

"Is there any reason you're so reluctant to tell me what it was that did that?" Chris interrogated. Please, Castiel! I have faith in you! Send me a Stiles Stilinski in a blue Jeep that looks crappy but has lots of meaning to me. Bring his best friend Scott McCall, my twin brother is that so much to ask for?!

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