17 ~ Icy Mets

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Kayden's POV:

"I don't know, Stiles, I just had full control." I told him, watching Allison and Scott on the climbing wall in Gym. Nothing at all happened the night before, but I knew I was still a werewolf. I just didn't know why I didn't shift.

"When we were in the station last night, you couldn't stop shaking, I saw you." He pressed his lips together and shook his head.

"Yeah, I was shaking, but I was scared. Terrified. It might  have been the full moon but it's seriously nothing compared to Scott, he had like 5 mental breakdowns and had already tried to kill you, and you're trying to say I was out out of control from shaking too much?"

"Yeah, you're right." He muttered, watching Scott and Allison.

"Like always." I smiled. Literally that second, Allison kicked Scott's foot off, causing him to fall off the wall. Let's say my smile was wiped off my face soon enough. The harness stopped Scott from falling and he was only a few inches off the ground. The whole class started to laugh and I made my way to the mats Scott was laying on. "Scott, are you okay?"

"Yeah, the harness caught me." He smiled, tugging onto the rope like harness. I looked up to Allison and she looked to me. The second we caught eyes, we erupted into laughter.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach said, sitting down next to Scott, laughing. "Alright! Next two! Stilinski, Kayden. The wall."

I looked up to the wall and to Stiles. We approached the wall and Stiles started chuckling. "I'm going to beat your little werewolf ass."

"Oh yeah? Try me." I smiled, racing him up the wall. I hit the top and he wasn't far behind me so I waited at the top. He got to the top and kicked off from the wall. I kicked off afterwards, but my harness got caught on the wall, breaking the harness. I fell onto the mat with a big thud and let out a groan in pain.

"Damn, you okay?" Scott asked. I opened my eyes and coughed.

"McCall, you okay?" Coach questioned. "Shall I get the nurse?"

"No, I'm good Coach, it's my fault, I forgot to secure the harness properly." I called back to him. "I could do with some ice for my head though."

"Okay, you know where to go." He nodded.

"Want me to come with you?" Stiles panicked, looking at the bump on my head. 

"No, it's fine. It doesn't even hurt that much to be honest."

"Are you okay?" He asked over and over again.

"Stiles, I'm fine. Now let me get some ice and I'll come straight back." I chuckled, grabbing his hands. He sighed and nodded. I went to the nurses office and got some ice for my head. I was heading back to the Gym and saw a girl called Erica Reyes run out and heading for the bathroom. I ran after her and she seemed startled by me. "Hey, Erica, you okay?"

"Uh - yeah, I'm fine, just please - g-go back to class." She sniffed. I had a worried look on my face.

"Was it your epilepsy? Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"No, I'm fine, just go back to the Gym, Kayden." She said, but more sternly this time.

"Whatever you say, but seriously though Erica, if you ever need to talk about anything. Come and find me." I replied in a soft, calm voice before leaving. 

After Gym finished, we were stood in the changing rooms. Coach whistled to get everyone's attention. "Listen up. Anybody sees Isaac Lahey, you immediately tell the principal. Get a teacher, or you call me. Except for you, Greenberg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding. Don't call me. You shouldn't even have my number." 

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