8 ~ The Silent Treatment

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Riley's POV:

"Are you sure it's the 3rd level?" I asked Scott unsure on which level we parked the car. We both had a carrier bag in each of our hands, after doing the groceries.

"yeaaa- uh no," I rolled my eyes at my brother before turning around to go up the stairs another level. Scott put down his bags and got the car key out of his pocket, pressing the button, pointing it in all directions. We finally heard the noise and headed towards it.

The milk rolled out of the bags and under a car. "Crap!" Scott mumbled. I went to go pick it up, but it rolled back with three slash marks in the side. Shit.

We both ran, ditching the groceries. We kept running and Scott kept on looking back, but I, I ran for my life. I did cross country with the Lacrosse team and a few other people so I could try and beat Scott's times. I did, obviously.

We hid behind a car and I prayed it wasn't the Alpha. The last time I thought something was an Alpha, it was a cougar, but still, I am going through post traumatic stress about it.

"Follow my lead." Scott whispered. I nodded and he ran on car bonnets, setting the car alarms off I followed behind, jumping across them like stepping stones, not stopping at all.

We then ran and hid behind yet another car. I'm pretty sure we lost him. Oh, but Scott's phone just had to start ringing! Great.

A pair of hands grabbed Scott and I up and slammed us on to a car roof.

"You're dead."

"Derek! What the hell!" I yelled. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"What the hell was that?" Scott yelled.

"I said I was going to teach you, I never said when." Once I got over the mini heart attack I had, I actually found it quiet funny. Derek always had his ways of making an entrance.

"You scared the crap out of me!" He yelled again. He needed to calm down.

"Not yet." Derek smirked. Oh God. Not yet? If I had a mini heart attack back there, then I'm having a full on heart attack for whatever he has in store for Scott.

"Okay, but we were fast right?" I asked, nodding my head. Derek shook his. "Not fast enough."

"The car alarm thing, that was smart right?" Scott joined in.

"Yeah, until you're phone rang." Derek deadpanned. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but that was - Would you just stop?!" He yelled. "Please?! What happened last night, Stiles' Dad getting hurt, that was my fault!"

"Actually, he pushed me out of the way, therefore it was my fault." I admitted. Scott glared at me. "Okay, bad timing."

"I should've been there to do something! I need you to teach me how to control this!"

"Look, I am what I am from birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who is bitten takes time!" Derek raised his voice. "I don't even know if I can teach you."

"What do I have to do?" Scott groaned.

"You have to get rid of distractions." Derek told him. He snatched his phone from him. He showed us the phone with a sign saying: Missed Call Allison
"You see this? This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her."

"What just because of her family?" Scott snapped at Derek. He then threw the phone at the wall, causing it to break into pieces.

"Yeah, I'm not letting you go anywhere near my phone from now on." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and put it in my bra.

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