3 ~ Hale? As in Derek Hale?

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Riley's POV:
My eyes fluttered open to see the light from the window streaming in. It took me a while to take in my surroundings and figure out where I was. The hospital. I pressed a button on the remote beside the bed to call for a nurse. No more than a few seconds later, my mom's co-worker came running into the room.

"Are you okay, honey?" She asked me before letting out a sigh of relief. I nodded and she smiled intently at me. "Your mother has been worried sick, I had to take over late shift for her so she could get some rest."

"Late shift? What day is it?" I asked, my mom never worked late shifts on a Saturday, only in low staff emergencies.

"Friday, you've been in a week," my nurse smiled, shaking her head. "We need to run a few tests and you can go home."

"Uh - yeah, okay," I nodded. "What exactly is wrong with me? I can't remember much."

"Your friend brought you in, he said you started hyperventilating and you collapsed onto the floor. He also brought to my attention that you hit your head earlier that day, correct?" She asked, grabbing the clipboard at the foot of my bed.

"Oh, right, yeah I remember now," I nodded hesitantly. She scribbled things down on the clipboard before placing back at the end of my bed.

"Your friend and your brother have come in every day since last Friday night asking if you'd woken up yet," she smiled. That singular sentence made my stomach warm up. They actually came to see me.


"Miss McCall, you're free to go now," my nurse smiled with a nod. I was so glad I could leave this place. I hated the hospital. Always have and always will. Nothing good comes from the hospital. Well, other than the fact they save people's lives and now we have wolves on our hands, I might need to be in the hospital regularly. I gathered up my things into a bag, which were very little of them, and left to head out of the reception. I saw a way too familiar face, hiding behind a mestural cycle magazine.

"Uh - Stiles?" I asked in confusion. He lowered the magazine just below his eyes so he could see me. "What're you doing here?"

"Well, Scott went over to Derek's place and could smell blood, so he's in the morgue seeing if he can get the same scent from the half of the body they found," Stiles explained to keep me up to date with things. All this happened in a week? "Oh, and Derek's a werewolf."

"What?!" I yelled a bit too loud, causing looks from everyone around. I simply smiled, nervously at them and turned back to face Stiles with our conversation. Scott then came running out of the corridor which lead to the morgue and his eyes drifted around the waiting room until he found us.

"The scent was the same," Scott told Stiles, obviously not noticing his previously hospitized twin sister. He looked over to me, smiled with a nod and turned to face Stiles.

"You sure?" Stiles asked, standing up to get out of his seat. He looked really interigued with this whole case. Personally, I just wanted to go home and rest, but something told me I was going to have to go to Derek's and scope the place out.

"Yes," Scott said in annoyance and horror. Did he still not realise I had been in hospital for a week and hasn't spoken to me?

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property?" Stiles asked, getting even more excited by the minute. Scott pressed his lips together.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl," he nodded. I wasn't sure whether he was doing this for justice or for the fact he purely doesn't like Derek.

"I say we use it," Stiles submitted. My heart dropped. Whatever they were planning to do, there was no way I was wiggling my way out of it. I shook my head from side to side.

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