15 ~ Nude As Lipstick

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Riley's POV:

My eyes fluttered open to see my mom sat beside me in a hospital room, holding my hand. "Hey, hey honey." She smiled happily. All I remember was Peter bit me. So if I didn't die, I am a werewolf. I looked around the room really confused. Quickly enough, more things started coming back to me. He chose me. He chose me over Lydia. Stiles left Lydia behind.

"Lydia, is she okay?" I asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, she's awake too." She smiled, stroking my hand with her thumb. "You're both little fighters."

"Yeah, you're right, little fighter indeed." I chuckled to myself, rubbing my shoulder which no longer hurt. We were both silent for a moment and I was thinking things through. "Mom, can we change my name again? Back to Kayden, I just feel like that name suits me now. Before, I was just too upset to fight it, when Dad left, but now everything I've been through this past year has made me think of how much of a fighter I actually am."

"Of course, but it's going to take a while for everyone to get used to." She laughed, I laughed too.

"Is anybody else here? Is Scott here?" I asked, I really needed to see him. Speak to him about this whole werewolf problem.

"No, but Stiles is. He's been here all weekend." She said, pointing at Stiles, fast asleep with a get well soon balloon tied around his wrist, muttering in his sleep. I started to frown, knowing he'd stayed even though we broke up. I love him, I really do, but we can't be together if he can't respect my choices. "He told me honey, and trust me, when this all blows over, I'm sure you'll get back together."

"Thanks Mom." I smiled in appreciation. I had the best Mom in the world and I took her for granted. She gave the best hugs, the best advice. The best Mom. "Can I go see him?"

"I wouldn't wake him if I were you, he hasn't really slept much, but you can do whatever you want sweetie, shall I bring you some food?"

"No thanks, I'm not really hungry."

"Okay." With that she smiled and got back to work I guess. She was in her uniform so it wouldn't surprise me.

I climbed out of the bed and walked over to him. "You're dirty." He chuckled, kissing the air, still fast asleep. I laughed as a woman looked slightly mortified by Stiles' 'dirty dream'. I don't even want to know what that dream is about.

"Stiles." I said, waking him up. He sat up, pushing around the helium balloon to see who woke him from his slumber.

"Hey! You're awake!" He chuckled, standing up, giving me a big hug. "Oh - uh - right - sorry."

"Don't worry about it Stiles. It was just a thing of the moment right? If we need a break, we take a break. I mean, look at Scott and Allison when they were 'taking a break'." I assured him. He smiled and hugged me again. I hugged back, knowing even if we didn't get back together, we'd still be best friends.

"Do you want anything to eat? A snack from the vending machine?" He asked me, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah please, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups please." I batted my eyelids at him and he smiled, rolling his eyes. "I'll be in my room."

I was sat in my room, waiting for my snack when I heard a girl screaming. Lydia. I shot out of my bed and ran into Lydia's room, where my mom, her Dad and Stiles ran in to. I ran in the bathroom and she was gone. I looked out the open window and heard her screaming.


"Naked? As in nude?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing, but, yes, as far as we know, she left here clothing - optional." My Mom explained to him.

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