14 ~ Werewolf McCall

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Riley's POV:

"What have you done to Lydia?" I demanded. Peter looked at me and tilted his head, smirking his face off. She wasn't moving. She looked dead. My eyes were heating up, prickling. I can't cry. I have cried too much this year. I can't cry.

"Made her life - less of a misery," Peter replied. He was being serious.

"You ended her life. Lydia is dead!" I screamed. I couldn't hold back the tears, I just kept crying and crying, like nothing could stop me. It made me look weak. I was weak. Peter was a crazy psychopath Alpha werewolf and I was a weak teenage girl who needs saving all the time.

"Hmm, you're right, she does  look quite dead." Peter admitted, nodding, looking down to Lydia's lifeless body. He then trailed his eyes to me, standing in my little blue dress, defenseless. Peter took a few steps towards me, getting closer and closer. He put his hand on my cheek and moved his face closer to my ear. He whispered, "which means I need another beta." He pushed his fangs into my shoulder and I screamed out in pain.

"Riley!" I heard Stiles yell, running onto the Lacrosse field. My vision started to get blurry as I fell to the ground, next to Lydia. I tried to stay conscious so I could survive the bite. It was no use. I was practically dead anyway. Stiles ran and ran towards me, trying to save me. As per usual. He dropped to the ground next to me, trying to keep me from going unconscious because he knew that I knew if I closed my eyes, they probably wouldn't open again. "Come on baby, don't close your eyes, everything is going to be fine."

My eyes started to focus again and Stiles was crying too. "Don't cry, Stiles, I'll stay awake for as long as possible." I nodded, trying to pull back my tears. " I promise."

"Don't. I'm not just letting you leave them both here." Stiles shook his head, looking up at Peter.

"You don't have a choice Stiles, you're coming with me." Peter snapped, wiping my blood from around his mouth.

"Just kill me! Look, I don't care anymore!" Stiles raised his voice at the delusional wolf. 

"No, your blood will not  be on my hands, Stiles." I coughed in pain, trying to look better than I looked. I felt my energy flowing right out of my body like air escaping from a pin prick in a balloon.

Peter put his claws under Stiles' chin, making him rise from beside me. I couldn't hold on for much longer. I was trying to, but if I tried any harder, I would have to be Kayden, not Riley. I would have to be 'Little Fighter'. I needed to be Kayden. 

"Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is that's all you get." Peter negotiated with Stiles. His face calmed but soon after, his whole body tensed and his face dropped.

"She? Which one?" Stiles panicked. "Jackson won't be able to carry them both and he'd immediately choose Lydia over Riley."

"Well, that's your choice, would you rather save Riley, your girlfriend, or Lydia, your girlfriend's best friend?" Peter smiled devilishly. I sat up trying to hold up as long as possible. Stiles knelt beside me once again, tears filling his eyes. 

"Choose Lydia, save Lydia." I sniffed, holding back my tears. Stiles shook his head violently.

"No! I am not  letting you die!" He yelled. I shook my head, smiling softly.

"Stiles, I have a bigger chance of survival right now. I have to be Kayden, not Riley."

"Little fighter." He smiled, but looking the worst I've ever seen him since his Mom died. His smile soon left his face. "But I can't let you die, Riley. I love you and I'm not losing you."

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