19 ~ Unstated Feelings

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I had one thing on my mind lately, Derek and his pack. I mean, I guess it would make me powerful, but I don't want power. I want to make a difference. Alone we can do little, but together we can do so much more. Someone once said; "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process and working together is a success." So, I guess, this is the beginning.


"Okay, so just to make sure we are definitely on the same page-" I started before Derek cut me off.

"You want to work together to get this Kanima business sorted and to make a difference, but you don't want the power of being in my pack." He finished for me. I nodded, not really knowing what to say. Derek had moved 'lairs' and instead of lurking in the Hale house, or what was left of it, he moved to an abandoned train station, which I might add absolutely stank and was freezing. 

I had texted Derek earlier in the day asking where I could meet him and when he texted me the address and when I got there, I thought he was having  a laugh. That was until, Isaac came along looking as devilish as can be and he led me instead with him, where Derek was sat inside, playing around with something in his hands. I looked at Derek, but I just knew Isaac was staring at me. A kind of stare that could draw blood. 

"Kayden, we think Jackson could be the Kanima and we have a lead; a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom. We have some Kanima venom so we're going to see if it paralyses him if he takes it, if it does, then bust, if it doesn't, we have our Kanima." Derek explained to me, breaking me from my trance of deep thought.

"Wait - Jackson? Why Jackson?" I asked really confused, chuckling to myself nervously.

"Because he wanted to become one of us so Derek bit him and nothing happened. The Kanima is a shape shifter and sometimes, when you are bitten to become a werewolf, the shape you take reflects the person you really are." Isaac elaborated for me. I turned my head in his direction and he was leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. 

"Okay, so you're saying Jackson is a snake?" I laughed. He looked to the floor and chuckled, I'm pretty sure I saw him blush too but who knows? Maybe Isaac Lahey is too cool to blush now.

"That's exactly what he's saying." Erica said, walking in the room with Jackson by her side.

"Remember what I told you?" Derek whispered as Isaac went to grab Jackson. I didn't say anything just nodded.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" I interrogated, trying to be tough and not a push over. Like Derek told me the day I called him; stay tough and never back down.

"What? Nothing. Nothing happened." Jackson shook his head with sweat dripping down the left side of his face. 

"You're lying." Derek threw around accusations. He put on a black glove and Jackson started freaking out. I didn't know all the details into this plan but I was guessing that was so Derek didn't get any venom on his hand while forcing Jackson to consume the clear substance.

"No, wait. No, wait, I can - I can prove it. I taped myself." Jackson said, very ashamed.

"You taped yourself?" Isaac laughed, sending eye contact to me. We were silent for about .01 seconds and erupted into laughter. I guess Isaac wasn't all that bad. He was pretty cute with his curly brown hair and beautiful blue eyes which a girl could most definitely get lost in. What the hell am I thinking? I'm in love with Stiles. Aren't I?

"Yes. It was the full moon. And maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so - called gift your big, bad Alpha promised me, and what did I get? Nothing. You want proof? Let me get the video." Jackson bashed on Isaac. That was not allowed. He knew Isaac was getting abused by his Dad and decided not to tell anyone and now he was trying to bring him down. No. No. No. No. No. No.

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