6 ~ Is it contagious?

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Riley's POV

I woke up to the sound of a gunshot. I didn't hear it again so I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep. That was until I heard a howl. I went to wake up Scott but he was already awake.

"I'm coming with you," I whispered. He shot his head at me and shook it violently.

"No, you're not! Are you crazy?!"

"Then why are you going?"

"Because I have supernatural healing powers and you don't," he replied.

"Well, good job I've got you protecting me then," I nodded. He let out a sigh in defeat.

We arrived at an abandoned warehouse and saw a woman stood outside with an assault rifle. I looked over to where she was looking to see Derek on the rooftops. He can heal, he'll be fine. I thought to myself. She shot the gun and he fell down off of the roof. I hope he's okay, I thought again.

Another car pulled in, a big browny red colour. I squinted to try and make out the driver but the headlights were on. The woman strutted towards the newly parked car like she was waiting for the driver. He got out and it was Allison's Dad.

They started to have a conversation but I was looking at the time, hoping Mom didn't wake up. That's all I was bothered about. She's been so worried about us lately. I feel like we've been really distant from mom ever since Scott got the bite. Not that it was Scott's fault, we've just been caught up in saving the town from crazy werewolves and Alphas in hope they wouldn't kill our family and friends.

Hunters added to our list of problems and the fact my brother was dating the daughter of a Hunter who was trying to kill all werewolves in sight. And this crazy lady already seemed like something else to add on my list more than once.  


We were in History, waiting to get our results back. I was next to Scott and Stiles was behind Scott. I could see he was bouncing his leg, nervous to see what he would get. He obviously didn't study.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles asked, tapping Scott on the shoulder with his pencil. I got my test back and got an A. I studied so hard for this and it actually paid off.

Scott hesitated, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. "I don't know."

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles was now getting on my nerves. How were we supposed to know?

"I don't know."

Stiles sat back in his seat, his mind coming up with another question to ask. I loved Stiles to bits and so did Scott, but he really needs to work on the fact the questions he asks, we most likely don't know the answer to and if we did, we would've already told him about it. His eyes widened and leant forward again. Oh my God.

"Does Allison's Dad know about the Alpha?"

"I don't know!" He yelled, causing the whole class to stare at him. Stiles got his test back and he looked at it and turned it around so I could see. His smug little face said it all. I looked on his paper and he got an A written in red marker pen on the first page. I grabbed nine and showed him.

Scott got his and I leant over to see what he got. D- and he had a note in red which I couldn't make out. I knew Stiles was going to say something to Scott.

"Dude you need to study more." I was too tired to tell him to knock it off. I couldn't get to sleep after we went out. I think I was actually worried about Derek. I need to stop! He can heal he is fine by now. "It was a joke. Scott, it's one test, you're gonna make it up."

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