7 ~ Home Situation

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Riley's POV:

"Can somebody find me The Notebook?" I heard a familiar voice enter the store. I popped my head around a corner to see Jackson.

"Jackson?" I asked, confused as to why he's looking for the notebook.

"Riley, hey, uh - Lydia." He explained. I nodded in understanding, chuckling. "What movie are you looking for?"

"Just looking around, nothing in particular," I smiled. "Hello?" I called for a worker.

"Hello?" Jackson did the same. "Is anybody working here?"

We walked further into the store when my eyes drifted to the floor I noticed some feet, like somebody was laying on the floor. I hit Jacksons arm and he looked to me before looking to where my eyes were locked.

We slowly walked further until we came to aisle the person was to see a man with his throat ripped out.

"Holy sh-" I muttered. Jackson and I stumbled back into some ladders and a light came falling down, causing the electricity to cut. We stood up to see a pair of red glowing eyes, staring right at us. The Alpha.

We hid behind a shelving unit full of DVDs hoping it would go away. It ran past and we hid again. I was opposite Jackson, hoping somebody would come to save us, but it was late at night, nobody would be around.

The Alpha then knocked over a shelf of DVDs, causing a line reaction, falling like dominos until it reaches us. We both tried to dive out, but we just got trapped under it. This was it. We're dead. We're going to die and I didn't tell Stiles how I felt about him.

We could hear the Alphas footsteps getting louder and louder. I could hear it breathing out of its nose. Almost a grunting sound.

In a matter of seconds, the Alpha was leaning over us, pulling down the collar of Jackson's leather jacket to reveal the back of his neck. I didn't know what was so interesting about it. Jackson and I were now looking at each other praying more than ever to get out of here alive. I grabbed Jackson's hand and held it tightly. We both squeezed like crazy.

The Alpha soon ran off and smashed through the window to leave. We both let out a sigh of relief and let go of one another's hand.

The ambulance soon arrived and we were helped out of the store. I was sat in the back of the Ambulance, dangling my legs off the front when the Police car arrived with Stiles and his dad inside.

I was sat by Lydia and Jackson was trying to calm her down. She saw the Alpha and obviously got spooked. I really didn't want to face anybody right now. Sheriff Stilinski got out of the car and Stiles stayed in.

"I just wanna go home," Jackson demanded.

"I know, but the paramedics said you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion." He told him.

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping? I wanna go home!"

"And I understand that."

"No, you don't. Which kind of blows my mind since it's a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage cop like you!" Jackson started to yell. "Now I wanna go home!"

"Oh woah! Is that a dead body?!" Stiles pointed, as he was getting out of the car. A paramedic moved and revealed I was there to Stiles. "Riley? Oh my God, are you okay?" He ran up to me, throwing his arms around me as I got off the back of the ambulance.

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