Chapter 19; Who would've known? //Her p.o.v//

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Hunter was about to tell me something until Mario blurted out, "Well WE have to go and do best friend things, bye". He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. He quickly took out his phone and started typing.
"Where are we going?", I asked as he dragged me to his car. "You'll see", He told me turning around with a smirk. I couldn't tell if this was going to be a murder scene or a cute romantic date. He unlocked his car and we both got in.
While he was driving he held my hand. "Only best friends huh?", I raised an eye brow and giggled. "Best friends...with benefits", He whispered then smiled.
We got to the destination and he parked the car. "Um...where are we?", I asked nervously as we started walking. "Stop asking and start walking", He told me as he held my hand and walked into the forest.
After following him like a lost puppy we got to an abandoned house. "You aren't going to kill me, right?", I asked worriedly. "What? No.", he laughed as he picked up a ladder that was on the floor. He placed it on the wall of the house. "Ladies first", he smirked. I got on the roof of the house and I held the ladder so Mario can get up too. "Are you going to tell me why we're here now?", I told him impatiently as we both sat down.
He grabbed both of my hands and looked my straight in the eyes. He let out a huge breath and whispered, "Promise you won't tell anyone". "I promise", I responded as I put up my pinky. He let out a small laugh, then breathed out deeply again. "Okay...Well nobody really knows about this except for two or three people", he spoke as he looked up at the stars.
"...But um, I'm somewhat internet famous", he confessed. "But there's nothing wrong with that? Why wouldn't you tell people?", I asked. "You don't understand. If they find out my reputation would be ruined. They'll think I'm weird for having fanpages about me and stuff", he shook his head and looked down at our hands that were still interlocked.

Mario Selman...My "best friend"Where stories live. Discover now