Chapter 23; Messages. //His p.o.v//

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//sn; this chapter is going to be long because I added Jovani's p.o.v and it's kind of the same as Julissa's p.o.v, just saying//

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my friends to arrive. Around thirty minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I went to go open it and when I did, I saw Julian and Jovani standing there.
"Hey! It's my two favorite twins", I spoke as I let them in. "Haha, very funny", Jovani told me. I lead them to the living room. "Who's ps4 is that?", Julian spoke as he walked up to Geo taking the controller and started playing. "Bro what the fuck? I was about to beat Chris", Geo said. I went to sit down on the couch and started playing call of duty 3 with them.
"Uh...where's the bathroom?", Jovani asked me. "I don't know dude, I'm kind of in the middle of something", I responded. After three rounds of playing I got a text.
M:Mario       A:Ari

A: Mario where are you?! I'm outside your house.
M: Why are you outside my house?
A: I need to talk to you about something...😞
M: What is it?
A: I need to tell you in person.
M: I'll be there in an hour or two, I'm busy.

I wonder what she wanted to talk about, it seemed serious. I had a blank face until Geo said, "Dude you wanna go get pizza?". "Yeah, let's go I'm starving", Christopher replied as he paused the game. "Alright", I told them as I got up and stretched. "I'll stay here I guess", Julian told us as he scratched his head.
On our way back from dominos my phone vibrated, but I didn't feel like checking it since I was in traffic. "So...Julissa...", Geo whispered as he smirked. "What about Julissa?", I replied. "She's cute man...if you don't want her I'll take her", he stated as he bit his lip.
"You can't just 'take her'...She doesn't deserve to be with a player like you", I responded. "You're acting like you aren't one yourself. Are you sure you're Mario? You sure don't sound like hi-", Geo tried telling me until Christopher cut him off with a fake cough.
We walked in the house which had been unlocked. Geo and Christopher took the pizza and drinks to the kitchen while I walked to the living room to get Julian. When I walked in the living room I saw Jovani and Julissa talking on the couch. Three of her friends were standing there giggling.
"Julissa", I spoke. She smiled at Jovani and held up a phone. "Julissa!", I spoke again. She gave Jovani a phone and still wouldn't listen. I went up to her and said, "I've been calling you for like the past five minutes, are you going to get pizza or not?".
"Don't ask why but, turn around", she requested. I raised my eyebrow and did as she told. She jumped on my back and put her arms around my neck. She never fails to make me smile. I put my hands under her thighs, so she wouldn't fall. "Do you really think I would pass up pizza?", She whispered.
I then walked us to the kitchen. "Plain or pepperoni?", I asked as I walked to the pizza boxes. She reached over and grabbed a plain pizza slice. I grabbed a Pepsi soda can and walked us back to the living room.
I sat down on the couch, Julissa being behind me. She wrapped her legs around my waist. Geo, and Christopher came in the living room and went back to playing cod 3. I decided to play too.
"Hey can I see your phone real quick?, Julissa asked me. "Dude no! You're going to get killed. No. NO! RED TEAM IDIOT", I screamed at his Geo. "Dude snipe him!", Christopher yelled as he furiously moved his controller. "Um, Mario?", She asked as she poked my back.
"Not now Julissa, I'm playing", I whispered. "Not now Julissa, I'm playing", She mimicked. "Julissa, don't-", I whispered. "Julissa, don'tttttt", She mimicked. I let out a sigh and reached in my pocket for my phone. "The password is 11-19-16", I told her as I passed her my phone.

Mario Selman...My "best friend"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora