G. N. D. 16

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My mom is weird as hell. Like asking me rather I had sex with Devin or not. That is like overly personal. Right now I'm laying down with Devin in my room. She was surprised at my color choice. My room is white and black, plan but that's what I like.

"So seriously what did your mom ask I wanna know." She whined

"Fine. She asked if we had sex yet." I said hiding my face.

Devin busted out laughing hard as shit like that was the most funniest thing she have heard " damn yo momma nosey as hell. She would know because I would leave yo ass limping."

"Shut up before I push you out the bed." I said

"Girl get yo pizza topping face ass on somewhere." She gently pushed me

"Okay princess what ever you say." I stuck my tongue out

"Don't call me princess." She got all serious.

"Don't make fun of my freckles." I folded my arms and turned away.

"Aww baby okay I'm sorry I love your freckles. You look sexy with them." She kissed below my right ear. That caused me to moan a little bit. "Now that was sexy as hell girl."

"Whatever." I kissed her, it was going to get heated but her phone rang.

"Hold on baby." She answered it "what do you want Diana... No I'm not your child anymore until further notice. You kicked me out just because I like girls. Did you know your oldest daughter Mila is married to a woman. But oh you was there at the wedding happy and shit, now that it comes to me I'm kicked out. Just because you married that Christan ass close minded piece of horse shit, he got your mind gone... Fuck your apologizes you let it tell you its wrong when a good portion of your own family is gay. Let me guess he made you stop seeing them too. Did you call and tell me happy birthday. No. Did you call and see if I made it here safe. No. So why should I forgive you.... You gotta show me, actions speak louder than words. If you cared for our bond and shit you would of been did those things. When you get your shit together then holla at me but not now."

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