The End Pt. 1

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I watched everyone basically head bang or whatever at the wedding. Basically some of her family, the gang expect the girls of them and Noah wasn’t in that crowd dancing or jumping around. They was listening to XXXtentacion Look At Me, yelling the lyrics.

"I'm like bitch who is your mans aye, can't keep my dick in my pants aye my bitch done love me no more aye she kick me out I'm like vro..." I heard them all yell, jumping around like they was in a mosh pit, which looks fun.

"They are something else aren't they." Pops said. Not my actual dad but Devin's dad.

"Oh yeah and I'm married to one of them too." I laughed.

"Damn. But she keeps life interesting though." He said, I saw Devin pick up Khalid and went back to what they always doing.

"She is going to be a horrible influence on her little brother." He put his hand on his head and was shaking it.

"Wait till we have kids, they are going to be like her in and out." I laughed but a bit scared for that one though.

"Please don’t, I have to have at least one normal grandchild from y'all. At least one." He said

"I'll try to keep our child from being a Devin 2.0" I laughed.

I hope that she doesn’t make our godchild that Saje is giving birth to in two months like her. What was shocking to me is that Kaden is the father but Kaden is a girl.

The song was done and Devin came over and sat next to me looking tired as hell.

"Tired?" I asked her

"Nah I have a shit load of energy... of course I'm tired babe. I lowkey wanna kick Deandre's ass for trying to ruin our wedding though. Who even told him about us getting married our anything." Devin said.

"Have you forgotten we both have Snapchat and Instagram. We already had our wedding date up there and I don’t know how he knew where it was at though." Her sarcasm is rubbing off on me.

"He is still butt hurt about me being with you for the past 4 years and now we are married. Maybe ya know bring some kids into this world or what not." She kissed me

"If we do I hope you don’t make our kids just like you baby. I can only deal with one, not multiples of you." I said.

"Well damn just crush my dreams of having a mini me huh." She pouted.

2 Hours Later

So Devin somehow again or her family got us a private jet to I don’t know where. I asked her but she won't tell me.

"Where are we going." Lani asked me.

"I'm not telling you for the last 800th time. Figure it out but for now I aint telling you a damn thing." I said

Lani better stop asking me before I benadryl her ass. Ya know how ya momma always gave you some benadryl when you sick so she can stop your complaining, well I'm about to do that to Lani. I always have a box of benadryl on me because I'm allergic to some thangs and I don’t carry epi pens. Ain't nobody or myself will stab me in the thigh with that, just let me die.

"Oh my god are we in the UK." She got excited

"Yep." I'm so glad she saw Big Ben, I was about to snap if she would of asked me where we at.

Getting off the jet we got into a car that was held of us to take up to this nice ass house pops got for us. I swear that nigga spoils the hell out of us.

We got inside the house and it was bigger on the inside than the outside.

"Damn I didn’t think it would be this damn big." I carried Lani upstairs and there was a note on the door.

Please out of everything I don’t want to know what of guys are going to do, don’t destroy this house. This is you guys present from me and Niya. Niya did leave you guys some special things, that she thought you guys would like. I was scared to go inside the store and help her pick it out. Devin you owe me a huge one for this.
Love Mom and Pops.

"Aww that cute but scared on what they bought." Lani said.

"Basically from what this note say is that, Niya went to some sex store and bought us some things to play with... FUN!" I said, this is going to be a long ass night.

"Shit." Lani was starting to sound like me.

Skipping the whole sex scene

(A/N... I can't type that. I'm using my school laptop to write this. I'm not getting in trouble for y'all, but just know it went down. I love y'all but not enough to get in trouble with the school.)

"Never again" I said laying on my back.

"Why not." Lani whined.

"I love you to death baby but I hate feeling like a bitch." So basically I let Lani strap me. Like I said never again.

"Never say never." She laid her head on my chest.

"Never." I said.

"What about on special days, please." She begged.

"Ugh fine, birthdays don’t count." I said,

"Fine." She said.

"I'm hungry and tired and in pain all at the same time." I said, reaching to turn the fan on.

"Shut up you know you liked it" I looked at her like she done grew 15 heads.

"Shut up Lani." I said.

"Awww is my stroke game up to par." She asked me

"Kalani King hush it up now." I rolled over

"Baby." She said.

"What?" Still not rolling over.

"I love you. I never would of thought I would marry my next door neighbor's daughter or be gay at that."

"I love you too. Things happen for a reason, it must have been meant to be for us." I said rolling back over and holding here. "Now ya stuck with my goofy ass."

"But that's what makes out life more fun. I don't want to be like them old couples who don't do shit and sleep in separate beds." Lani laughed.

"We still gone be fucking when we way past 60 right?" I said.

"Damn right. I will still love yo wrinkly ass baby. It's be and you forever." Man I love this girl to death you just don't know....

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