G. N. D. 43

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I'm glad that Devin loosed up but she is getting out of control. She was gone for tonight, then we had got this private lapdance for the both of us and she wasn’t feeling it what so ever.

"Babe is smells like wet stank ass pussy in here I  wanna go home now." She whispered to me. She wasn’t lying neither," and shower too. I don’t want to catch anything thing from these bitches."

Devin is going to be mean and rude her entire life is she keeps it up but I love that about her

"You like this daddy." The stripper asked.

"Hell nah and I'm not ya daddy, only hers"I swear Devin has major issues.

The girl got mad and walked out. Soon as she left Devin busted out laughing the girl. I mean if you gonna be a stripper at least get ya body right.  You dancing in a thong and bra, shaking your ass for some cash in front of old men and shit. We walked out and everyone was looking bored as hell. This shit got old real fast.

"I love you all to death but I'm tired of seeing ass and tits for today it's not fun no more." Jay said pouting a bit.

"Deadass my guy this shit is booty no pun intended." Devin said.

We left out the strip club and headed back to the hotel and all showered, not together of course, except for me and Devin. It was about 2 in the morning, her high went down and we both are getting sleepy as hell.

"Graduated and out of hell and still have my baby." Devin pulled me closer to her.

"Yep. What could you expect though babe. I mean senior year was a long crazy ride. Pretty much the best and worst year ever though."  I said.

"Real shit when I first saw you I had to have you. You was just looking good as fuck and shit. Looking all innocent and shit, when really you is a freak girl. Soon as you said you was a scorpio I was like sex about to be bomb as fuck. First day here and I had that ass all on me." I remember that day. We was hella close for it to only be the first day of meeting each other.

"Only because your dad talked good things about even though you wasn’t quite in his life." I said.

"True, but everything happened for a reason. I didn’t move here you probably still would have been with the idiot and some more stuff. But you know I slide through and turnt that ass out." Yes Devin holds grudges like a mothafucka I hate it sometimes.

"So fucking cocky. " I mushed her face.

"I'm a virgo what do you expect. But I'm glad you're mine and I do plan on having a future with you. You know we been through so much, going from friends to you being my baby, then me hating you for a bit, then back to my baby, its been a rollercoaster." Devin said.

"You hated me?" I said. I kind of thought she did at the time.

"Damn right I did. That day I saw you and Deandre, I wanted to smack hell and fire into you and beat the dog shit out of him. I was pissed clean thee fuck off that day and heartbroken too. I fall in love easily, when I get too attached I try to dead the situation but with you I couldn’t. For one you lived next door so that was going to be hard, and two most of my bitches didn’t live here." She scratched and turned her head at the last one.

"So you was a hoe then." I said. Most likely she was but she gonna deny it anyway.

"Girl hell nah. I was Daddy Devin, I had some millionaire milfs on me booooi. Had me a married on too, but when I met you all that shit changed. You can ask Camila, she's one of my milfs though, glad she didn’t go to jail for some other shit she had going on. She saw a change in me and you created, I was for the better though. Not only that but it made me think about my life. I had some horrible heartbreaks, you don't know how fucked up it is when your ex gets married and she really wanted you to come to the wedding. Like I deadass met the guy she is married to now, she wanted my approval and everything like I was her daddy, even though ya know I was then but that’s besides the point." I swear she is a cocky bastard

"Something about you is changing me. It's been almost a year and I still can't figure it out. Everyone approves and like you. My dad, brother, sister and sister in law all like you and approve. I honestly can say that there's nobody like you, I wouldn’t be able to find someone better than you. For real Kalani one day I will make you my wife."

Is she really trying to make me cry right now? I believe her when she said that too. Devin never gave me a reason to doubt her or anything, she always helped me.

2 Months Later

So basically things has been going good so far. After moving down to New York for college and stuff things as been good. Getting used to being in New York and everything is different. The lingo here is hella funny though. Being from St. Louis we have our own slang that is different from New York. And with Lani she is from New Jersey, she already sound like she used to live here.

"This is going to be fun babe. But I'm gonna miss everybody though." Lani said.

The only people from the gang that's here is Jay and Cj. Everyone else either when to California or stayed in Atlanta. I went over to Lani and held her by the waist.

"Well we still got Jay and Cj. We can always visit them babe. Wait don’t Kehlani live here." I said. I think I remember Cory saying something about that

"Yes, damn we got Cory too. But I'm gonna miss Noah and Makayla perverted asses." Lani pouted.

"They in California, along with Saje and Fortune Cookie." I said. Yes it's been hellas and I still don’t like the bitch.

"Kai and I know." She corrected me.

"Whatever babe. We have almost everyone from the gang up here." I said sitting on the couch.

Lani came over and sat on my lap. Things should go good for us here. Away from drama and most likely some new drama here. With me and Lani living together shouldn’t be nothing new she was always at my house. Honestly no matter how mad I get at her, nobody will ever let me stay mad though. That’s the price to pay when your girlfriend is right next door to you.

"Baby one question." I said

"What's up?" She said

"What in the fiery hell is your full name. Out of all these months I never knew your full name. I know im horrible but seriously. Like deadass I don’t know it." I know this makes me a bad girlfriend but she never told me. It's not fair she know mine and I don't know hers.

"I swear you is special ass hell. It's Kalani Elena Lewis." Oh damn didn’t expect that one.

"I thought your initials was gonna be KKK." I started laughing a bit, "if it was I was going to break up with you... I'm kidding I wouldn’t though sounds... interesting though. Let’s change it to Kalani Elena King. I like the sound of that."

"Until there is a ring on my finger its Lewis babe." I knew she was going to say something in that general area.

"Ugh fine" I said


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