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I over slept a bit but I was making my way to the plaza in black converse, blue jeans rolled up at the ankles and a few rips in them. My shirt was a long sleeve red tight fit top paired with my regular black framed prescription glasses. I decided not to carry a purse but instead shove the few bills into my pocket with a quarter or two for tax and a book so I can occupy my mind. I wasn't gonna write about him today because he rarely comes out on Sundays and lugging my laptop would be annoying so I grabbed my book and headed out the door.

I checked my gold watch to see it was 10:20 which was usually the time I'd be leaving the coffee shop but I switched it up a bit. I tucked a fallen strand of hair behind my ear and checked for more loose pieces. It was a half up half down look, nice and straight but getting it to stay up was the hassle since my hair loved to cradle my face.
When I approached the shop I looked at the chalk boards daily deals then looked away knowing I would stick to my usual coffee with whipped cream. I pulled the door open and in my usual spot sat the guy I liked- Scratch that- the guy I love.
My heart nearly fell to my stomach and I almost screamed when he sat beside his twin brother. I had no idea they were twins! My heart skipped a few beats as I walked further in and sat in the booth on the same side of the shop beside a window with only an extra booth between us. My breathing has increased and my pores began to sweat only making me much more apprehensive.
How did I look? Was my outfit okay? Should I go fix my hair in the bathroom? Oh my gosh they're here, relax Tay just breath.
I wasn't sure if he noticed me and I wasnt gonna look up just yet because from the the corner of my eye i could see they were looking up at someone facing the same direction as I so if I look up I could easily catch their eye. I opened my book to page 144 where I left off and began to pretend to read quietly waiting for my coffee. I order the same thing so I didn't have to go up and place the order instead I just had to show my face then take my seat in my spot. My mind was swarming with questions and concerns but from someone else's view I looked like a calm and collected lady reading a book about whatever without a single care in the world.

I waited patiently and when I looked up I could see my usual waitor at my crushes table, he wasn't looking but just reading over the order menu and placing my coffee mug on their table. Before I could say a word one of the twins said something, "That's not ours." My crushes brother said looking at the man like a complete idiot. The waitor looked up and did a double take before looking around and spotting my raised hand and small smile. He chuckled before taking my mug and apologizing to them and walking over to me. I looked over at the twins and smiled wider with a short wave and they returned it and went back to talking. "Thank you." I said to the man before he had left me to drink in peace.
I continued to drink silently staring out the window and observing. After that and about 20 minutes of pretending to be intrigued in my novel I was able to listen for their names. It turns out my crushes name is Cole and his brother is Dylan Sprouse. They were very amusing for a while until they began talking about plans later on. This time they didn't look up or say a word to me but it was okay, I was fine. I was just concerned if they would be here everyday. I doggy eared the corner of my book and drank the last of my coffee preparing to leave. It always felt like an accomplishment for me to finish a coffee so I smiled to myself and looked up to see the boys were still sitting there facing me. They ended up catching my gaze and waved for me to sit with them. Of course I thought I was wrong so I looked around but realized the only thing behind me was a brick wall and since I pointed myself and they nodded so it had to be me. I grabbed my book and my coffee cup and threw it into the garbage while making my way to my usual seat which was occupied by Dylan and Cole.
"Hey." They greeted.
It started with small talk and gradually became much more interesting.
"I've noticed you come here everyday, why?" Cole spoke up. I was over the hills excited when he and his brother took a liking to me and made me feel comfortable because this was a milestone. This was the first and only time Cole had spoke to me although we lived in the same small town for quite a while it was amazing to hear him speak to me. He was even more gorgeous up close with his nice even skin town, long eyelashes, beautiful teeth, amazing musk smell, voluminous hair and charming green eyes and if that wasn't good enough you can't forget he has a twin sitting right next to him. "Hello?" Dylan asked waving one hand infront of me and sitting back when he caught my attention. It felt like butterflies had been throwing a party in my stomach and my heart was like gump. "Are you alright Tay?" Cole queried looking at me with narrowed eyebrows and a look of disgust all though he was far from disgusted I'm sure....I hope.

Side 1: Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now