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I sat down with Cole on the bench before it was his turn to go and get dressed for show. "So what got you into live art?" I asked. It was about 9:40 and I was somewhat tired but I had a bit of energy left in me to make it through tonight. Before Cole and I settled down I spoke with Keurin and he said he was fine but Cole didnt speak much on that therefore I didnt speak of it anymore, instead he asked me a million questions but now it was my turn. "I always loved art and I wanted a job involving that so here I am. Nothing special really to others but to me It feels great." He shrugged. His leg bobbing up and down like he was nervous but I'm sure he was fine because this wasn't his first go around. I would've asked him questions but Dylan walked around the corner without Iris sloppily in his arms. "Where is she?" I asked a bit concerned. "She's outside and she wants to apologize to Cole." Dylan said looking fustratedly at Cole and I. Cole sat looking at watch then shrugged his shoulders. "Well it's too late." Cole said standing up and walking into the dressing room without another word. "Jeez." Dylan said putting his hands on his waist and kicking his foot. "I know right, is she okay?" I asked. Although I didn't like her I was still a caring person in all honesty. Dylan tilted his hand left and right and gave an uneasy grimace. "Kind of, she's a crying wreck right now." He told me in a whispered tone. I nodded slowly then huffed while conjuring up the next step. "Maybe you should take her to get some coffee to calm her nerves." I suggested suddenly. Dylan smiled in realization that what I said was a good idea for the time being. "Okay tell Cole I'm sorry about what happened and good luck." With that he leaned in to kiss my cheek with a half hug then he left quickly watching out for people standing around. I felt my cheek burn since his lips were pressed to it for the first time but it was all brushed off when Cole came out in a blue button up, black suspenders, black jeans and brown round framed glasses. A unlit cigarette placed between his bright pink lips that held a small smirk made me wonder what the name of this piece was. "How do I look?" He asked opening his arms and doing a little twirl shaking his butt in the process. "Like a heartbreaker." I laughed standing up and taking in his entire get up and trying not to drool. He chuckled and winked before I felt Keurin step up and compliment Cole and fix his hair by running his hand over the top of his head. I stood holding Cole's jacket in my arms as I watched everything unravel with a proud smile spread across my moist lips. "Amazing, come with me." Keurin said reaching out to guide Cole towards his place. Before he left I gave him two thumbs up with a bright smile because I was so happy and felt confident around him. Cole returned the smile then walked to another room and disappearing leaving me standing alone.
  When everyone was in place I assume, the lights dimmed and a deep eerie voice filled the space halting all chatter and laughter.
   "Thank you for coming ladies and gentlemen to Keurin's art tour. this moment has been worked on for so long in different continents all over the globe just for you to see the displaying of famous pieces. Tonight you will be able to see such exquisite paintings such as Floella, The Turning, Smokey Noon, M, Pin Daisy, Dark Day, Hendersons nights, Blank She, and last but not least Ratio Clearing." Everyone clapped in unison so I joined in. I was expecting the lights to turn back on and techno music to ignite the artistic vibes again but the voice began again. "Not only are we graced with Keurin's art work but we have a special guest of honor and the creator of the worlds famous 'of Yander' and 'Bonker Tues' art work, we welcome all the way from Lebanon, Sequoia Jackson!" The crowd erupted in claps and whistles all over again when Sequoia and Keurin came strolling into the main floor guided by light beams onto the red carpet. They waved and linked arms before kissing eachothers cheek then stepping back to take a bow infront of the room. The lights soon brightened the gallery and the eerie voice over the intercom stopped completely. "Welcome to day 2 of my art tour !" Keurin chirped. Claps from everyone including myself and the live art pieces filled the room congratulating Keurin. "I'm so excited to show you what's in store for tonight from both me and the lovely, the sweet, the cutest and my good friend Sequoia Jackson." another round of clapping.
While Sequoia and Keurin talked I thought about Cole and Dylan and how close we have gotten these past few days. I felt a bit bad that I was possibly destroying Cole and Iris's relationship but tonight I didn't have to even try and I wasn't going to. I know I really like Cole but Dylan seemed to really like me I think and I'm not even sure how Cole felt towards me.

Side 1: Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now