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I walked around more looking at the art before I went into the crowded room with Cole inside. I guess he was everyone's favorite tonight including myself because it had to be atlease 15 people at a time flooding the room with positive words and uplifting compliments. The room was dark and very little light filling the room but it was enough to see what was what. No music was playing but I was to intrigued by the smoke around everyone's feet. Cole was sat on a black stool occasionally changing positions and facial expressions still with a cigarette between his teeth. He caught my eyes and I smiled a bit with a sly wave. Cole couldn't break character but he he did smile a small smile for me. I walked around him observing every little detail of his posture and emotion I was getting and I had to admit I really loved this live art. I wanted to find a way to express how happy I was for him but I couldn't really when I pondered ways to show my affection. I did sneak a picture of him and it was perfect, he held a devilish handsome grin and a hand propped on his knee holding his chin up. I couldn't contain my smile and a light giggle. "Perfect." I mumbled under my breath feeling my heart pump a mile a minute like I just been frightened or something just attacked me. He always had an effect on me even before he said a single word and I was just watching him from a coffee shop window admiring his taste in clothes and how he seemed to waste his money on cheap Viceroy cigarettes that he made look so mesmerizing like I could smoke just like him and have that effect on someone else that's a hopless romantic looking for someone to commit to just like me. I've never been in love before and I have a fear of commitment but if I had one chance with Cole just one I'll do anything for us. I could stare at him for days and just find a million and one things that could still give me that familiar burn on my cheeks, tingles at my fingertips and thump in my chest. Words can't describe how he makes me feel and that's just by looking at him, imagine how it'll feel to actually touch. To feel his soft, plumped, small lips just press against mine and just mold onto eachother for a while until he deepens the kiss and press everyother body part together. I can imagine my hands pulling him closer and moving from his freezing, cold cheeks to his shoulders to rest while we still had our intimacy. He sounds so good to me and although I don't know everything about him I wouldn't mind learning now. I wouldn't mind sitting on my kitchen counter at 3 in the morning in my pyjamas with him standing between my legs just talking about the universe. I wouldn't mind baking in the middle of the night because we just can't sleep and we want to talk for hours more. I wouldn't mind falling asleep on the couch on top of him then he carries me to bed and holds me like a teddy bear until he falls asleep. I wouldn't mind being his girl.

With each thought I convinced myself more and more to throw myself at him lowkey and show him that I can be his girl. I had everything mapped out in my head it's just how my conscience will soon eat me alive is what got. My heart is pure therefore I don't think I can not break up Iris and Cole but I want him probably more then she does. Just because things may be rocky tonight doesn't mean they're are gonna breakup permanently which made me sick to my stomach that I may never have my chance. All of this was all too overwhelming for me so I took a seat on the bench I was on about 30 minutes ago with Cole and I just began scheming without ruining things if that makes since. I took a look at my pamphlet and looked at what would be coming up next. It was 5 minutes until the next intermission and then new live art models taking Cole's place for the night. It wouldn't be long before Dylan and Iris would make their way back therefore I had to think fast on what I'll be doing next.

Side 1: Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now