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"I saw you!" Cole chirped pointing his finger at me completely shocking both me and Dylan who were having an intense conversation about politics over coffee.

"I thought you weren't coming." Dylan said.
I remained staring at Cole wondering what he saw and why he had barged into the coffee shop so giddy like. "Yeah I wasn't because the coffee is garbage but then I remembered Tay last night at the exhibit " I raised my eyebrows then corked one at the boy who was scooting in the usual booth beside his brother.
"You were at the exhibit?" I asked in unison with Dylan. Dylan directed the question towards me and I directed my question to Cole. "Yeah I work there." He smirked so full of excitement and personality, this was the first time I've seen this from him. "Wait where we're you? You could've said hi." I said no longer paying attention to Dylan. "I would've but I'm apart of the artwork, I'm a live art model and you were walking with Keurin so I had to let you walk by." He explained.
He was so fascinating, not only on a street corner or in a coffee shop but even in a art gala. I wasnt sure what to respond to first or how I wanted to ask my thousands of questions at once but i did want to say something. "Oh how was it?" Dylan asked before I did." Cole shrugged lazily at his brother. "It was fine, I just had to sit in a black chair in a room all alone." He exclaimed with the same nochalance Keurin had yesterday night. "So why were you there?" Cole asked leaning forward to prop his head up onto his two fist. "I was out for a jog and I figured why not stop by." I shrugged when deep down I was flipping out. He looked so handsome today and his knee grazed mine under the table causing my stomach to feel funny.

The nerves were coming back therefore my palms were sweating so I had to keep rubbing them on my mom jeans noticeably leaving dark marks I hoped would dissolve before I stand. I began to get a nervous itch which caused me to itch in the most strangest areas but I wanted to keep my scratching to a minimum no matter how tempting. Also I would begin to stutter making me sound like a broken record player.
I always stuttered as a child and as I got older I found more ways to get over it. My family would speak slowly and I would take time to think my words through but with Cole I couldnt focus.
"Well there is another art show tomorrow so if you like you can come." Cole offered sliding me a ticket across the table. I was flattered he offered me this so I thanked him and slyly grabbed the paper.
"So Dylan what is it you do for a living?" I asked turning to him as I held the coffee mug to my lips. "Well right now I'm taking a break but I work in Brooklyn as a photographer." He proudly stated lifting his chin and smiling. I was happy for the two for having such artistic jobs. "How about you?" Cole asked me. I looked down at my lap sort of embarrassed by my rubbish jobs. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell them where I work or lie because I did nothing to be proud of. I raked my fingers through my spiral curls and exaggeratedly and jokingly rolled ny eyes. They were waiting so i decided I'd just tell. "My job literally sucks, I work retail at Top Shop and at a pottery barn giving lessons." I pouted not looking up at the journalist and art model. I waited for rude remark or a laugh but neither of them did but I did continue to fiddle with my single napkin. "That sounds interesting and perfect because I am looking for some nice decorations for my apartment." Cole began with wide eyed. "Yeah?" I countered wondering if he was being sarcastic, "yeah do you think you squeeze me in and give me a lesson?" He asked.
I have a mild dirty mind but I'm sure he didn't mean sexual innuendo.
"That sounds awesome, whenever youre free I'm free." I smiled feeling my heartbeat pick up and adrenaline pump. "Cool I'll give you my number and you text me." He smiled dragging his wet tongue along his bottom lip and making his bottom lip glisten a bit in the sunlight. I unlocked my phone and slid him my phone to him so he could type his number.
I was overjoyed and trying to remain calm at this moment. I never thought I would be getting his phone number in the same coffee shop i watched him from. I can't put it in words how happy I am that this is happening to me and absolutely nothing can ruin this.

Side 1: Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now