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Why Hello Hello. It's me Erin & I just wanted to say how you doin? Comment how you're feeling right now or message me because I care.

Alright I wanted to start of by saying school is in and free time is out. As some of you may remember
(@sadiebongo @tsmith45) that's I used to update like crazy everyday all day but it had slowed down being that school has started and I'm being drained of all creative thoughts and ideas. I'm trying to focus on both Cole & Tay as well as I'm trying to focus on the Pythagorean theory and Civics. I know this is probably not a good reason but trust me I'm swamped with work and home life at the moment. Forgive me and please be patient because I'm trying my best and I'm also trying to get a few more books out there for you to pass time so just work with me babe okay? Okay cool. I also have another book out in case you would like to read it, it's finished and I personally enjoyed writing it, it's called "Perks of being a cancer patient" So go ahead after you finish with this A/N.

Okay guys don't forget to vote and comment on my last chapters and follow me because I personally love that shiz and I feel special which boost my ego and I could use that right now so thank you guys I love you.

Lastly in case you want to grow closer to the lady behind the words here is your chance:

Snapchat: JustErinNurse



Youtube: ErinNurse


So that's all folks and don't forget you can also message me on wattpad and I'm also on Instagram & Snapchat a hell of alot so If you want to get in touch then..

"call me, beep me, if you wanna reach meh"
Sorry I had a Kim possible moment.

But yeah I love you and enjoy life, smell the rose, pet the dogs, jump in puddles, give money's to homeless people, eat pizza, hug your mom, kick your brother in the shin and yeah.  Peace out sucker.


Side 1: Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now