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And he'd burn another cigarette and waited for a girl to fill his void for the evening.

His leg propped up behind him on the brick wall of the record store he stood outside of occasionally. Cigarette filter firmly cradled in between his small pink lips as he inhaled the nicotine provided in the cancer stick. He looked around the street at every passing creature with a superior look on his face as if everyone other then him was miniscule. One hand shoved into his pocket of his jean jacket with sheep fur along the inner collar. He removed his hand from his pocket now holding a copper lighter he flipped open and closed, a habbit I noticed he had tagged, he'd do it to with watever hand was free.

He was calm and collected as usual and I was sitting at the window as usual watching him.

I tipped the coffee mug into my brown lipped mouth and tasted the bitter caffeine drink. When my mouth was full of the luke warm beverage I sat the beige mug beside my black laptop and began typing away about the man about 15 yards away.

His hair a mix of brown and blonde cradaling his facial features. A few strands curled and fallen infront of his beautiful green eyes. Freckled and marked skin pale and red from the nipping wind of the winter tempature. His cheeks sucked in with each intake of his cigarette. His jawline sculpted perfectly and his lips often unseen without a cigarette tucked away.


I had gotten through my first few sentences of my past time story and felt like I still hadn't captured his breathtaking appearance well enough.
He was a aesthetic I wanted. He wore vintage clothing, smoked cigarettes and managed to look like a God while doing it and looked as if he was better then everyone else without an single ounce of effort.
I wasn't sure his name but I felt as if I was the only one who hadn't because I've seen him with another girl almost all the time.
He would meet a girl at Chucks Vinyl's and look at them like they were the best thing on the face of the earth then walk off with his hand interlocked with hers.

Today was different though.
He stood there a while longer burning exactly 3 cigarettes and working on his fourth with a normal frown. He was by himself not making any phone calls or eye contact with anyone who stared while passing by.
Something was odd about him, maybe it was the way he smoked more cigs then usual or how he was in that one spot longer than normal but I could be wrong.

I spent a enough time acknowledging him without his awareness so I packed up my stuff and waved for a waitor to fetch my check while I cleansed my area. My coffee had little to no remains and my morning had been consumed in this little coffee shop I was in every morning. I adjusted my accessorie glasses onto the bridge of my nose and tightened my pony tail. My dark chocolate skin covered by a blue jean jacket, a plaid flannel under and blue jeans tucked into my hiking boots. It was a rainy day and it was expected to be raining harder soon so I was going to go home and think about him and possibly fall asleep to the thought. "Here you are ma'am." The young man said sliding me the check. I didn't have to look at the bill because I ordered the same thing every morning. I placed a 10 dollar bill and on the check even though my order was simply a 4 dollar coffee. When he had greatfully thanked me I smiled and walked out with my brown randoseru backpack.

Stepping into the rain a small frown slipped onto my face at the weather change and how uncomfortable I would feel walking in wet clothes. This weather just wasnt for me and It was my fault for staying a while longer then usual. I debated on walking because I'm too frugal to pay for transportation but after about minutes of aimlessly standing around and looking at cars drive into puddles I took my iPhone out and placed and uber ride infront of the shop. I looked down at my shoes and kicked a few rocks around before looking up to see my crush staring down at his shoes too. His blonde hair fell infront of his face but soon was pushed back by a simple hand swipe. We met gazes and my first instinct was to smile and wave. He looked at me for a total of 5 seconds. The first 2 was spent blankly staring at me and the other 3 was spent giving me a tight lip smile and a little nod. I turned away feeling my cheeks rise with heat and my stomach flutter. Although with chocolate skin you can't really see a blush but I did grin alot like a maniac.
I didn't want to grin like and idiot infront of him but I also couldn't contain it. I decided I'll take my phone out and smile at it to make it seem like I was smiling at a message. When I was done I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked up at him. Turns out he was staring for a second but when I noticed him he looked away. I almost didnt notice the rain or anything around me until I noticed a car that fit the description of my uber. I took one last glance then waved goodbye. His pale face looked unentertained and as careless as it did before he noticed me. In fact he looked at me as if he would roll his eyes and walk away but I guess he put up with me for a second or two longer.
When I got into the car my uber and I talked for a while but my mind was else where.

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