Episode 4

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Touo Academy

The Tanned Pervert


"Dai-chan?!" Momoi shrieked. The others are gaping from shock.

"What? Also, what are you doing here?" Said the tanned female with long dark blue hair that reached her knees. The others were utterly shock and speechless.

"Wait, Dai-chan doesn't have a sister. Are you his cousin?" Momoi asked.

"No, i'm him. Come in first. It's freezing." She said leaving the door open for them to follow. Sakurai closed it, following the others inside.

"So, what are you doing here?" She said, having a struggle as to where to place her hair since its long and she doesn't want to seat on it. Momoi saw this and asked if she could do her hair. Aomine thank her. The members of the team just stared at the scene before their eyes.

"What?" Aomine raised her eyebrow. They just shook their heads.

"Dai-chan? What happened to you? I called auntie to ask if your fine and she said that you're already home. So we decided to visit you for a surprise." Momoi said sitting next to her after doing her hair in a ponytail.

"Yeah, but we're the ones who were surprised. Look at you. You're a... a girl now." Wakamatsu said, not looking into her eyes.

"So? It's not like i can't play basketball anymore." She said lazily.

"That's right. There wasn't a rule that a girl can't join the boy's basketball team. She can still play." Momoi pointed out. Wakamatsu smirked.

"I can beat you now you're a girl."

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" Aomine grinned. The members sweatdropped at their action.

"Don't underestimate me just because i shift gender. The only one who could beat me is-" aomine was cut off by the members.

"Kagami" aomine irked and glared at them which they laugh off.

"Nee.. Dai-chan. Wanna go to a salon tomorrow?" Momoi suggested.

"Sure. I wanna get my hair cut off. It gets in the way."

"Back on the topic. How did this happened?" And then aomine explained. Well, knowing him er... her, she didn't explained it quite thoroughly and made it hard to understand. In the end, they only understand it a bit.

"...and that's how i became a girl." Aomine ended.

"Ugh... My head hurts." Sakurai said holding his head.

"I don't know what you just said, the thing is you can still play. That's enough."

Next day... Weekends...

"Dai-chan, isn't that too short? I liked your hair when its long. I could tie it up for you."

"No, it gets in the way, its heavy and annoying."

After they went to the salon and had her haircut, momoi dragged her inside the mall and went on a shopping spree saying that she needs feminine clothes and necessities even underwear. It was like hell for aomine and it lasted for 5 hours before they rested at a nearby bench with a lot of shopping bags courtesy of momoi.

"Its been a while since i had gotten shopping like this!" Momoi said cheerily.

"And it will never happen again" aomine said exhaustedly. Momoi didn't mind her and dragged her again inside a shop.


Aomine went home tiredly dragging her feet. She dropped the bag on the floor and sat on the couch, leaning her head sighing. She was tired and hungry since momoi was dragging her literally nonstop from store to store. Trying different clothes and shoes that looks great on her.

She stand up lazily and went to the kitchen fridge. She noticed a note hanging in front.

I'll be home late tonight so try and make something to eat and don't starve yourself okay? I left the money on the table. Take care.


Great... Now she needs to cook now too. She opened the fridge and saw vegetables and drinks only. She closed it and went to the table and took the money. 'Guess I'll just buy cup noodles from the convenience store' she thought. She put on her sneakers, went outside and locked the doors.

Convenience store....

Aomine scanned the food section and put some on the basket. When she was going to take the cup noodles, someone got it before her. She looked up and was going to scolded the bastard who grabbed the food she was getting when she saw--


"Ah!! A-aomine-san!"

"What a coincidence!"

"It sure is. W-were you going to get this cup noodles?" Shaking, showing the food.

"Well, yeah. But, anyways. You can cook right?" Aomine asked, picking another food. The latter nodded.

"Great. Cook for me today." She said shocking the boy.


"What? You can't?" she looked at him with suspicious eyes. (he's not your maid!!)

"uhh... i-i can. i'll just tell my parents." Ryou said panicking to get his phone, calling home. He sighed looking at the girl beside him.

"what?" Aomine noticed his stares. The boy began shaking, thinking of an excuse.

"Ahh! uhm... yo-you cut your hair. it looks like your hair back when you were still a guy" he said walking to the vegetables section.

"yeah. cause its annoying and gets in the way, its also heavy when it gets wet so its only a hindrance in my basketball." Aomine said following him. Ryou nodded in response picking vegetables for the food he's going to cook for her. They talked more about stuff relating to basketball and how the 3rd years are going to graduate soon. They also argued about what food he will cook that caught some unnecessary attention from the customers, saying they're like having a cute lovers quarrel that made Ryou blush furiously and Aomine dumbfounded. they decided that he will cook teriyaki burger and payed all the groceries. They left the convenience store in silence.

Aomine's House

"sorry for the intrusion" Ryou said and followed Aomine inside.

He saw her standing by the table drinking water. he put the grocery bags down and started rummaging for the needed ingredients. Aomine told him everything about the tools and supplies that he might need. he then started making burgers. Aomine went to the living room and watched a basketball game on tv. Minutes later, Aomine can smell the food being cooked in the kitchen, stood up and peeked inside the kitchen where he saw Ryou cooking. She looked at him and thought of a plan to surprise him. She tipped toe silently and tried to sneak on him. but, she stopped when she saw an expression on him she had never seen before. The way he cook the burger and flipping it over, the oil seem to sparkle on the right angles of his face making it look like sparkles floating in the air. 'Ryou seem different. he looks serious when he's cooking huh. heh, oh well.. i guess i'll just leave him alone for a while.' Aomine thought and smile a small curve and left the kitchen, watching the tv again.


and that's a wrap. sorry it took longer than i expected. i couldn't make time for this because of school works recently. i have to finish my thesis before midterms, i have projects to do and assignments to be done. so, yeah, sorry. Hope you enjoy this chap. Thank you!! ~xoxo

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