Episode 30

878 15 4

The Light and the Shadow

Kuroko and Kagami were walking the whole way to school and like usual, he always took her left hand whenever they're together. On their way, kuroko saw a crepe stand and pulled his shirt gently, pointing at the crepe store.

"huh? you want to eat again? we just ate at your house, you know?" he said still walking towards the stand. Kuroko just stared at him and he knows that stare very well. She's having her cravings, again. sigh.

After buying her food, they started walking again towards school. When they arrived, kuroko immediately went to the changing room while kagami stand outside the door. The other members were already stretching when she finished changing. That's his cue to change while kuroko waited for him at the bench beside their coach who was reading some articles. Doing the daily routine, practice and class, it was already time for lunch.

Usually, kuroko's lunch composes only of bread and milk. But, today, she requested kagami to cook her food, which is a TON for a girl to eat. Riko and the others looked at her with shock on their faces.

"kuroko-kun. May I ask what's going on with you?" Riko took the guts to ask so the captain seconded her.

"Yeah. You seem to eat a lot this past few days. Are you not eating well at home?"

Kuroko stopped and looked at them, then to kagami. He sighed then she started eating again.

"Its near the day of the month." he said then petted his girlfriend's head. The boys looked confused as to what he said but riko, the captain, izuki and mitobe ooohhhh'ed and nodded, completely understanding the poor girl's situation.

"huh? what?" koganei raised a brow.

"i didn't understand."

"you don't need to. Eat your lunches and the bell is about to ring." riko said as she took another bite of her bread.

The bell rang and afternoon class started. Kuroko listened to the lectures and as usual, kagami is trying to fight the boredom. She noticed his head banging slightly from drowsiness, made a paper plane and throw it to his head that made it stick on his hair.

The bell rang and it was time for homeroom to start. Their advisor entered the room and put the box he was holding down the teacher's table.

"well, as you all know, we are going to start the second quarter. So it's time to change seating arrangement. Get your numbers inside this box." the teacher lazily said as he posted the chart for seating arrangement. The students went in front to get their numbers one by one. When it was the red head's turn, he got his number and looked at the chart.

11 huh. Second column near the window and forth row. Sigh. How about her?

He looked around, searching for his girlfriend. He saw her already sitting down her new chair.

First column beside the window second row. I envy her spot.

He walked near her and sat at the side of her table. Kuroko didn't mind him and continued looking outside.

The leaves were starting to fall and dye of shades of red to brown. Autumn has come. Kuroko stared at them for who knows how long and kagami didn't like to be ignored.


*blink blink*

"eh? What are you doing Kagami-kun?" she stared at her boyfriend who was still biting her exposed forearm.

"stop ignoring me." he said. Kuroko stared at him more then patted his head chuckling at his sudden childishness.

"kagami..." someone sweatdropped. The two didn't heard though.

"how bold..." the whole class stared at them, some were blushing from their embarrassing but sweet scene.

At club practice

Kuroko and Kagami were doing stretches, their coach were explaining their regimen to the captain, some were shooting balls and some were jogging around.

The coach then clapped her hands and made them gather around in front of the white board.

"alright. As you guys know, interhigh is coming near. As kiyoshi is gone, we need to make our center stronger. We also need to improve each and everyone's stamina and shooting rates. So we'll prioritize cardio and shooting for the next two weeks to come starting today." she slapped the board with her huge paper fan.

As she did, they responded loud and clear. Everyday, the two always come together and walk home together. The team is silently watching over them to somehow monitor their relationship. Being an emerged woman, kuroko has to have a tendency of mood swings and side effects that may affect them. But, as they observe, the coach couldn't help but smile quietly and continued her usual things. Its been pretty quiet that the team almost forgot the one thing that will make their lives a living hell.

"owwwowoowowwow. let goooo~" they heard kagami's whine as he drags Kuroko who was biting his arm. The boys look at them confused. He managed to get kuroko off him but she jumped on his back and clung like a monkey on a bar. Kagami groaned at his girlfriend's weird antics.

"kagami, what's wrong with her?" Koganei asked.

"aish its her time of the month." he rubbed her hair. Riko chuckled.

"goodluck in the next five days." Junpei said as he shake his head in disbelief. Kagami groaned even more but let her anyway, grabbed her thighs and wrapped it around his waist to make sure she wouldn't fall off as he started jogging. The boys looked at him with shock.

"mmmmmm. PUT ME DOWN!! YOU'RE ALL SWEATY!" kuroko shouted startling the others. Kagami walked towards the bench and let her sit down, getting his bag and giving it to kuroko. She rummage his bag, getting a chocolate and a towel to wipe herself.

"this is getting weirder and weirder."


"kagami" kuroko groaned. It was lunch time and they were eating at the usual hang out together with the three idiots. The red head looked at her with a sandwich in his mouth.

"I'm dying from blood loss." she said and started holding her stomach. The three boys started panicking and was about to call an ambulance but kagami stopped them. He went to the vending machine and pushed a button.

"here, put this on top of your stomach. I'm gonna bring you to the infirmary. You three, go back to the room and inform the class rep that kuroko won't be going to the next class." he instructed and started walking with her in his arms. The three stood there in stone, surprised at how calm and smooth he is.

Meanwhile, kuroko gently rubbed the warm can of drink he gave her on her stomach. Arriving at the infirmary, the nurse was not there.

He put her down on one of the beds and gently covered her with blankets.

"rest for now. I'll tell coach about this." he said holding her hand. Kuroko smiled gently and nodded in silence as she closed her eyes. Kagami then kissed her forehead and went outside.


Yay!!!!! Happy new year everybody!!! Thank you so much for supporting this book even though i haven't been able to update for quite a while. Anyways! An update!

I've been working on some of the future chapters so i kind of like made this one in a hurry. Haha. I know it's weird but hey! When I imagine some scenes that might be good, i start to type them to my memo.

Okay! Enjoy!

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