Episode 2

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Kaijo High

The Sparkling Cat


The kaijo players are the same. Well, not quite since the annoying one is not around.

"Hey. Does anyone know about kise? What happened to him?"

"Dunno'. After kasamatsu-senpai hit him, he passed out and was brought to the hospital right?"

"So are you saying it was my fault?" They turned around to find kasamatsu leaning on the entrance. The members stiffened at the sight of their ex captain and immediately shook their heads and started practicing. Kasamatsu sighed. He too is worried about the copycat's situation. 'Was it really my fault?'
He thought.

"Senpai?! What are you doing here 'ssu?" Kasamatsu look at the owner of the voice and saw a girl. Blond hair on a pigtail and golden eyes. His eyes went wide when he saw a 'kise look-a-like girl.

"Uh-umm.. who?" He stuttered, looking at the others who have their mouths open.

"You, silly. What are you doing here 'ssu? Watching them practice?" He's confused. He doesn't seem to remember this girl anywhere but the way she talks to him seems familiar.

"Oh my!! What beauty my eyes has seen. What is thy name, My lady?" Moriyama suddenly appeared and kneeled in front of the girl.

"Senpai?! What are you talking about. I'm kise ryouta 'ssu!!"

". . . . Ting!!"

"HUHHHHH!!!!!!???????" All of them shouted.

*after explaining*

"So you mean, you're a girl now?" They're inside the gym now.

"On the outside yes. But i can still play basketball."

"What about your job?" Moriyama asked.

"I talked about it to my manager and she said its fine since i can still model but as a girl." Kise said fidgeting.

The members of kaijo basketball looked at kise. Long silky pigtailed hair, big doe eyes, slim body to die for. And his also wearing a skirt since he went to school.

'She looks like a goddess!' The members thought out loud and was received a spanking by yours truly, kasamatsu yukio.

"Well i'm not gonna deny. You look really hot right now kise. Like there wasn't a trace of you being a guy." Moriyama said. Kasamatsu glared at him.

"Is there any way to reverse this?" Kasamatsu said looking a teeny bit worried.

"Well there is. The doctor said that teenager's emerging are really rare and very dangerous since my body change structure. Going through that again could risk my life and i could die." Kise said seriously.

"What about the team? We need you here you know. More than ever since you're one those monsters called MiraGen." Senpai with glasses said raising it with his finger.

"Oh i saw coach on the way here. I talked to him about my situation and he said that there's not a rule that a girl can't join the boys basketball team. So i'm still playing!" Kise said cheerfully. The members sighed with relief.

"Alright!!! Let's celebrate!!" Hayakawa shouted.

"Noo!!! Go back to practice you idiots!!!!!"


The next day

"So, that's how it is. Please regard me as a girl from now on." Kise said wearing a girl's uniform and pigtails. The girls were shocked and the boys... well, their shock too.

They Became Girls?!?! (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now