Chapter 1. Hot guy in plane.

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‘Dad, seriously! Why can’t I celebrate my birthday at home? You know I would love to visit my brother because I haven’t seen him in ages, but visiting Wisconsin on the weekend of my birthday? Asking me this is just plain cruel!’

I was being dramatic but why not, it’s not everyday I turn eighteen and have my friends take me to New York to celebrate my birthday.

‘Shannon, Kate and Joan already booked the plane tickets to New York to celebrate my birthday so we can explore the place I am going to live for the next four years in college. Those are non refundable tickets! Why didn’t you tell me you had this planned this all along?’

He looked at me with a pained look that told me enough. ‘I get it. You do not want me to leave and go to college and grow up, but it’s going to happen anyway.’

He shook his head. ‘I know, I just…,’ He stopped talking and inhaled deeply. ‘You are going to Wisconsin, if you don’t Aaron will come and get you. He called me yesterday, he wants to see you.’

He was making no sense at all. ‘I haven’t seen Aaron in three years and now all of a sudden he wants me to go to him? Screw this, I’m calling Kate and ask her to come and pick me up. I’ll stay with her for the rest of the week.’

Talking about Aaron hurt a lot. Growing up my older brother and I were inseparable. But when he turned eighteen and went to college in Wisconsin it was like he forgot all about me, no phone calls, no visits, no nothing. I kept on calling the number he gave us, but everytime I got voicemail or his roommate Eli picked up the phone and told me Aaron was not around. And now all of a sudden it’s a big deal he sees me?

‘Please Mila, don’t make such a fuss about it. Aren’t you happy Aaron wants to see you?’

A pang of hurt shot through me. ‘Why this weekend and not any time before that, he didn’t call of come over. He fucking abandoned me without leaving a trace. He calls you but never me.’ I seethed.

My younger brother Kyle walked in. ‘Will you two please stop the fighting already? I know you really want to see Aaron and I know he would like to be with you on your birthday too.’ He said and then walked out. Kyle was only seven but I kind of suspected he was just a grumpy old guy who hijacked a kids body. He was usually the adult in this household.

My dad and I were both to fierce and loved to argue whilst Kyle was more mellow.

My dad looked at me sheepishly. ‘I will give the girls their refund. You will just have to celebrate this Friday. You are boarding a plane on Saturday afternoon so you can stay with him for as long as you want. And you have your own bedroom because there are several spare rooms at Aarons place.’

‘Wait, he has a place of his own? So nice of him to tell me.’ I said sarcastically.

My father sighed. ‘Well yeah, kinda. He told me. Aaron finished college early and has found a place in Wisconsin, it a town north of Madison where you will land this Saturday.’

I shook my head. ‘Just because Kyle wants us to stop arguing doesn’t mean you win this. Read my lips. I do not want to go.’ After that I turned my back on him and wanted to stomp up the stairs. ‘Fine, I’ll call Aaron, ask him to come pick you up and explain it all.’

I stopped in shock. ‘Explain what?’ I asked him.

He shook his head. ‘It’s not up to me to tell you, Aaron said it was a matter of life or death that you come to Wisconsin.’

‘What? You didn’t tell me that before, is everything alright? Is he okay?’ All of a sudden I forgot my anger, disappointment and hurt, Aaron was my brother after all.

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