Chapter 2- Hello New York

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~John's POV~

So today me and Harley just arrived at New York City and we headed to our apartment at The Helena it has nice views from the apartment windows we have 2 nice bedrooms, nice livingroom, kitchen and everything is just nice me and I know the secrets sides of Harley she's been suffering depression when our Mom died and when our Dad abondned us and I often worry about her and I even try to help her cause I don't wanna see my sister suffering and I'm always gonna be there for her and I hope one day she will be free from all that.

Wow this place is amazing its nice. said Harley

Yeah I can't believe we saved enough money for this. I said

Yeah we saved it the time I worked at a restraunt and now I'm free from all that I'm gonna take classes at New York Institute of Medical Careers yeah I gotta get enrolled for fall. said Harley

That's great sis when do you have to do that? I said

I gotta call them first I will call them first thing tomorrow what about you? said Harley.

Well I own my own business for being SuperDroYde and we both make money from home by you selling things on etsy. I said

Well I'm just glad were free from Orlando because that place was miserable and awful and now look at us were in New York City in a nice apartment and now we can unpack. said Harley

Hey you wanna get Starbucks? I asked

Yeah sure let me grab the keys. said Harley

*Harley and John went to Starbucks got their fraps and just relaxed and talked about Skillet and some other stuff. A few mins they finished their fraps and headed back to the apartment. About a few mins they made it back and decided to get some rest.*

Bubs I'm tired I think I wanna go to sleep I think I'm gonna go to bed and remember your helping me to unpack. said Harley

Okay sis love ya goodnight. I said

*Sooner they went to their own rooms and went to sleep BC they gonna have a long day.*

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