Chapter 32: The Love Lock Bridge

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~Nat's POV~

So we are heading to The Love Lock Bridge where a couple puts a lock on the fence & throws away the key & will be there forever for a long time & so far this trip is very great what makes it better is having Harley with me well it's our honeymoon.

*A few mins later they finally are on The Love Lock Bridge*

Wow babe look at all these locks. said Harley

I know their so many of them but they have another one which is our lock. I said as I took out the lock out of my pocket

You wanna do it together? said Harley

Yeah. I said

So we took both hands and I took out the key & we locked it & we threw the key in the water & we kissed & we will remember the time we marked our lock here maybe do more locks on our anniversaries & I can see us starting a family someday & we been talking about having children but me & Harley decided to wait a year for that cause were just taking things slow but I think we would make awesome parents & it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl as long as it's healthy but right now were here enjoying Paris and I can't believe she's my wife cause I remember first time seeing her & she is the girl who I am gonna spend the rest of my life with.

This was really romantic babe I will remember this day forever. said Harley as she holds my hand

I love you. I said

I love you too. said Harley 

As we kept exploring the rest of Paris she & I are enjoying ourselves with just the 2 of us & we just walked around we decided to check the Effiel Tower & it was amazing it looked beautiful but not as beautiful as Harley cause she has the beauty inside & out.

This is amazing babe I wish I could stay her all long babe. said Harley as she lays her head on my shoulder

Yeah it be a lot great. I said as I yawned

You getting tired baby? said Harley 

Yeah a little. I said as I rubbed my eyes

You wanna go back to the hotel & we can take a nap? said Harley

That would be good babe & whats better is we can cuddle. I said

*As soon as they got back at their hotel they changed into their sleepwear*

My gosh I am so tired. said Harley as she got on the bed

Yeah me too babe its been a long walk but at least we can cuddle now. I said as I started to kiss her 

I love you babe. said Harley

I love you too. I said

I love you more. said Harley as she kisses me

*They made out for 89 minutes & after that they fell asleep*

*Meanwhile back in New York*

~John's POV~

Me & Alex decided to hang out and have some guy time since Nat & Harley are out for their honeymoon Alex is really cool to hang with we just watched movies & played videos games for a little bit.

So does it feel weird that Nat is now married? I said

A little bit but he's happy he's got someone. said Alex

Same for Harley I miss her though cause it just feels weird that she's not home cause I'm use to it just being me & Harley since our Dad left us behind. I said

Really thats sad. How did you guys survive? said Alex

Well Harley worked at a restaurant for awhile & we just saved up enough for to move here. I said

Oh really. said Alex

Yeah. I said

*After that they decided to watch Arrow & after a few episodes ended Alex went back home & John went to bed*

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