Chapter 26: A Big Night At Harley & John's

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~Nat's POV~

This week has came by fast in just 5 days me & Harley are gonna get married and I am so excited I wish this day would come so I can say my I do & I have been there for Harley since the 1st time I met her I fell in love with her even though she has a hard time knowing who she is but I see her as a woman that I love and she's beautiful inside & out and she has a great future coming as a nurse even though I'm just a musician/actor but I love her for who she is. So I am at Harley & John and Alex came along so we could all hang and have like some time as a family cause since me & Harley are getting married in 5 days Alex is gonna be my best man & Shaliene Woodley my co-star of The Fault In Our Stars is gonna be Harley's bridesmaid they been really good friends and not to forget my buddy Ansel Elgort who is also my co-star of The Fault In Our Stars & he was in a cameo in Paper Towns it's really hard to believe I'm  getting married to the women I am in love with.

So what is everyone up too? said Harley as she holds my hand 

Nothing really besides thinking about the wedding babe. I said smiling at Harley and kissed her

I can't believe we have 5 days until our big day. said Harley

Omg don't even remind me sis it's already hard to believe my big sis is getting married. said John as he laughed 

Oh bub your still living with me it's just Nat will live with us. said Harley

I know it will have a lot of changes. said John

Like how? said Harley

Like what if someday you & Nat have kids? said John

*As Harley & Nat looked at each other for a moment*

Let's just not think about that right now were only engaged. said Harley as she laughed

*A few mins later they decided to watch Insurgent*

So we are watching Insurgent and Harley lays her head on my shoulder she is so beautiful she is just so perfect in every way and I just can't believe that she's gonna be my wife in 5 days I know I said it a lot but I'm just excited I am gonna see her walk down the isle with her brother and Alex being my best man and seeing Harley in her beautiful dress I wish I could see it but we agreed to let the dress be a surprise on the big day I am so ready for the day.

So Harley can I ask you something? I said

Sure ask me anything babe. said Harley

Well remember when John said about us having kids someday for when were married? I said

Yeah what about it? said Harley

Well do you think we make amazing parents someday? I said

Yeah I think we will once we are married and how about we have kids when your ready? said Harley

Deal babe. I said as I kissed her forehead

*A few hours later Nat & Alex went back home & Harley & John gotten ready for bed and Harley  still has to get stuff done before the wedding and its a lot of work*

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