Chapter 3: Hello New Neighbor

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~Nat's POV~

Today should be an interesting I walked out the door and I saw new neighbor but I don't know what he or she is all I can see is boxes and furniture maybe I'll introduce myself later. It was a very nice day out so I am going to get some fresh air and all the sudden I bumped into someone.

Oh I am so sorry. I said

Its okay it was my fault. said Harley

Well I guess have a great day. I said

You too. said Harley

~Harley's POV~

He looks very familiar he looks like someone from a show on Nickelodeon from when I was 13 years old I think its the stress talking. So today I went and stopped at my school I just transfered to and my brother is taking class online and so I just got in the car I decided to put on a song by Korn its Hater as I drive to Starbucks again to get me something cold to drink because it was a long day I did pick John a drink too. After I got the drinks I went back to the apartment and I saw that guy again that I bumped into earlier and he just looks at me and he smiled at me and started walking towards me.

Hi its you again. said Nat

Yeah what a suprise. I said

So do you live here? said Nat

Yeah me and my brother just moved here yesterday. I said

So were neighbors and we live across from each other. said Nat

Oh really wow. I said

Welcome the the apartment maybe we should hang sometime. said Nat

Yeah maybe we can do that. I said

Are you busy tommorow? said Nat

Well me and my brother are still trying to get everything unpacked so much to do here. I said

Well maybe I could help you two. said Nat

Uhhh sure.

I never got your name what's your name? said Nat

Harley. I said

I'm Nat. said Nat

You look and sound familiar though. I said

I was on a couple of movies and I use to be on Nickelodeon with my brother long time ago. said Nat

Oh yeah I remember that show it was really funny. Well I gotta get home to my brother he's probably wondering where I am. So see you tommorow? I said

Yeah see ya tommorow. said Nat

Okay bye. I said.

*As Harley got back she told John that there gonna have help getting unpacked and John was curious about what was on the look on Harley's face when he found out about Nat*

Harley you seem different today cause you look like you met a guy. said John

Really bubs he's just a neighbor. I said

I know the look on your face I think you like him. said John

Bubs I do not. I said

Okay what ever you say sissy. said John

*As a few hours went by Harley and John decided to get some rest because we have a lot of unpacking to do*

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