Chapter 7: Is This A Date?

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~Nat's POV~

Well I'm going to see Skillet with Harley and John. I think I may enjoy it they sound like a pretty good band I listened to the song Monster and a couple of the other songs and I'm right now getting ready to take Harley to central park. I am really nervous though.

Hey bro what you doing? said Alex

None I'm going to Central Park with Harley. I said

Oh really so you asked her like on a date? said Alex

Well possibly yeah. I said

Bro just remember if you really like her tell her how you feel look in her eyes and tell her from your heart. said Alex

I think I will because not only she's beautiful she has the best personality and she's just being her real self. I said

Now when you take her out be the man. said Alex

I'm the man. I said

*Nat still continues to get ready*

*Meanwhile at Harley and John's apartment*

~Harley's POV~

I am getting ready to go to Central Park with Nat today and I'm wearing my galaxy dress and my black vans and I'm listening to Skillet's song Undefeated from their new album Unleashed and it's my favorite song so far Skillet never dissapoints. I'm also wearing my Skillet bracelet and a long necklace that has a eiffel tower charm on it and just studs on my ears.

What you all ready for? said John

I'm going to Central Park with Nat today. I said

Oh really so it's just you two? said John

Don't worry bubs I'm gonna be fine. I said

I know Harley. said John

*Hearing knock on a door*

I'll get it. said John as he opens the door and it was Nat

Hey buddy how's it going? said Nat

Great. said John

Hey Nat. I said as I looked at how he's dressed

*Harley see's Nat wearing a black v-neck shirt, wearing skinny jeans with his black converse wearing a leather bracelet on his wrist*

Are you ready to go? said Nat

Yeah I'm ready..bubs if you need anything just call or texr okay. I said

Okay sis have fun you two. said John

*Nat and Harley left the apartment and they went to his car*

So you want to grab like something to like maybe some ice cream? said Nat

Sure I could go for one. I said

*They went and stoped at Eddie's Sweet Shop got their Ice Creams and now at Central Park*

~Nat's POV~

Harley looks so georgous she is just so unique I can't stop thinking how beautiful she is and I need to tell her how I feel.

Harley can I ask you something? I said

Sure. said Harley

What do you think about me? Like not just Nat Wolff from the naked brothers band or from any projects. I said

Well I think your really sweet and you have sense of humor and you know how to make good music, your a gentleman and you are pretty funny. said Harley as she smiled at me

Oh well I think that's the coolest thing you ever said to me. I said

Oh really thanks. said Harley

I wanna talk you something that's why were here. I said

Tell me anything. said Harley

Okay well if your not ready then that's okay. I said as my hands started shaking

What you talking about? said Harley as she looks curious

Will you be my girlfriend? I said

Well your a great guy so yes. said Harley

Really??? I said as I got all excited

Yeah. said Harley

*Nat and Harley started hugging*

So I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend. said Nat

Yeah we are. said Harley as she smiled at me

*After Harley said yes they just walked around the park talking and getting to know each other more and then it was getting dark so they decided to go home*

I really had a great time. said Harley

Me too looking forward to our next date. I said smiling at her

Me too. said Harley as she started hugging me

*They hugged for about 2 minutes*

Well I'll see you tommorow. I said

You too babe. said Nat

*Harley smiled at him when he called her babe*

*Afte Nat got into his apartment he was tired he went right to sleep and couldn't stop thinking about Harley.*

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